
Audio Stories for Family Road Trips and Back-to-School

We've previously mentioned how much we love Sparkle Stories. They produce wonderful original audio stories full of non-preachy life lessons, happiness, and humor for kids up to about third grade. Basically, Sparkle Stories is the antidote to the crappy, commercialized, dumbed-down entertainment kids are usually subjected to. Sparkle Stories is offering two series that are perfect for the end of summer vacation.

"Back to School” Audio Book

These three stories are designed to ease the back-to-school transition for kids (and by extension, their grown-ups).
  1. In “Zebra Stripes," Clancy is starting first grade and worries he won’t fit in.
  2. Young Cami is hesitant to go to school for the first time until she meets “Mr. Salamander."
  3. In “The School Master," a boy named Micajah moves for the umpteenth time and must join a new school.
This series is the perfect thing to play in the car while driving home on your summer family road trip. They'll inspire excitement for the adventures yet to come.

Martin & Sylvia “Travel!” Audio Book

This series features five stories and nearly two hours of audio for traveling families. Martin and Sylvia are traveling from New England to California via car, plane, and train. Along the way, they play a heap of games. While listening to this story, you and your kids will come away with new ideas for travel fun. Find the Martin & Sylvia "Travel!" Audio Book here. At that link, you can also download a printable game sheet, featuring three original travel games.

Sparkle Stories Podcast

An easy way to sample all that Sparkle Stories offers is via their free weekly podcast with a free story. It was featured by Apple as one the “Best of 2013.” View the podcast on iTunes. They also produce an excellent blog, full of recipes, crafts and wonderful writing. Visit

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