"A happy, loving home is what makes for a stable and nurturing environment. If that involves two parental figures who want to be together, then all the better and I do believe in working through the inevitable ups and downs of a relationship when children are involved, and fighting for its survival when it can be saved. But children thrive in all sorts of environments: loving single-parent homes; homes with adopted or foster parents; as well as shock, horror homes where both parents live side-by-side without a valid marriage certificate. Where children are less likely to feel stable and secure is in homes where parents are railroaded into staying together in misery out of fear of breaking a legal contract."
via Love, not marriage, gives children a stable home | Charlotte Philby | Comment is free | The Guardian.
Parenting is hard enough as it is. But add to that the debilitating experience of frequent migraines or pain, and it's nearly impossible. Here's how to cope.
You constantly feel that you’re not enough as a mom, as a professional, as a partner, as a friend or as a woman.That annoying voice seems to always be there.