One of the most difficult things for parents is watching their child experieince grief after the death of someone they love. The loss of a life ranks among life's greatest tragedies.
I think what makes grief so difficult for parents and other caring adults is we can’t make it better; children and teens are going to experience pain as they process through this, and all we can do is be there to support them. Often, grief is most intense soon after someone has died. But some people don't feel their grief right away. They may feel numbness, shock, or disbelief. It can take time for the reality to sink in that the person is gone. Many people experience these feelings sporadically, as they come and go. While they are trying to process their loss, reviewing the stages of grief with your kids is essential. This can help them to understand that what they are feeling is normal. Remind them that we all go through these stages at our own pace and there is no right or wrong way to do it. The most common stages of grief are:- Denial
- Anger
- Depression
- Acceptance
More than anything, they need you to listen.
Teens often ask more questions about life and religion after a death. Be there to listen and help them explore their ideas about the meaning of life. It is normal for them to question their values or spiritual beliefs. Try to offer a non-judgmental, loving ear. The feelings of pain are also feelings of love. It is a wonderful thing that they care about other people so deeply, and a death, though tragic, can be a nice reminder of that love.Encourage them to share those feelings of love and appreciation for the people around them.
Continue to be a source of support. Even if children and teens seem to be over their grief, they may still be dealing with feelings around the incident long after others have moved on. Here are a few signs that your teen may need professional help with grief:- An unusual drop in grades
- Depression or withdrawal from family or friends that gets increasingly worse
- Trouble sleeping that continues to get worse
- Risk-taking behavior
- Drug or alcohol use (either new use or worsening of existing use)
- Acknowledge your kids presence, their importance, thoughts and feelings.
- Be patient and open-minded. Allow them to grieve in their own way.
- Be available - sit with them, listen, and answer their questions.
- Let them know that a range of emotions is normal.
- Validate their feelings and do not minimize them.
- Give them permission to put their grief and sadness on hold. It is heathy to still experience happiness and move on with their life.
- Continue to provide routine and structure - it helps them feel safe and secure. It also gives them a sense of control in a chaotic time.
- Check-in with the adults involved in their life. Healing takes a village.