How to Beat Death, According to 75 Years of Harvard Research

by ParentCo. May 24, 2016

For 75 years (and counting), researchers have been following the same 600+ people to determine what makes a long, healthy, and happy life. These studies, titled the Grant and Glueck Studies, are two of the longest longitudinal studies on health and happiness ever conducted, containing tens of thousands of pages of participant questionnaires, health records, brain scans, blood samples, journals, interviews with friends and families, and, of course, scrotum measurements.

Keep learning ...

Don't smoke ...

Don't abuse alcohol ...

Get some exercise and maintain a healthy weight ...

Adapt to shitty life circumstances ...

When it comes down to it, it's all about relationships ...

Participants who had only three factors at age 50 were three times as likely to be dead at 80 as those with four or more. So you may be the soberest gym bunny on the planet, but if you haven't opened a book or called your sister in a while, all your efforts might be in vain. It's just science. Now go give someone a hug.

Read the full synopsis here: Harvard Research on Healthy Living for Happiness, Prosperity & Longevity



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