Leo May 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo. April 29, 2016

animation of lion with caption leo

You know what sucks? It sucks when someone tells you what your faults are. It especially sucks for you Leo's because hearing criticism is hard for a proud lion.

Here’s one thing to consider: everyone has faults, but not everyone gets to tell you what they think yours are. What I’m saying is: a therapist can recommend that you work on a particular characteristic, maybe your Aunt Janet can too because you’ve always had that kind of connection. But that jerk friend who isn’t actually a friend? He doesn’t get to tell you what your faults are. What the hell does that guy know anyway? He can’t even admit he needs to start trimming his nose hairs, why is he trying to snuff your flame? Nope. Time to re-draw boundaries. Time to kick the bully to the curb — the real ones, and the ones in your head. That’s what you’d tell your kids, isn’t it? Give yourself the same advice. You know what’s helpful this month? A full moon in Sagittarius will shine a warm, bright light into your solar fifth house of love and friendship. So, keep your eyes on both. Because this is a stage dive, my friend, and they’ll be there to catch you.



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