Obesity Linked to Eight More Cancers

by ParentCo. September 14, 2016

There's yet another reason to maintain a healthy weight as we age. An international team of researchers has identified eight additional types of cancer linked to excess weight and obesity: stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, ovary, meningioma (a type of brain tumor), thyroid cancer and the blood cancer multiple myeloma.

Limiting weight gain over the decades could help to reduce the risk of these cancers, the data suggest. "The burden of cancer due to being overweight or obese is more extensive than what has been assumed," said cancer prevention expert Graham Colditz, MD, DrPH, at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, who chaired the IARC Working Group. "Many of the newly identified cancers linked to excess weight haven't been on people's radar screens as having a weight component."
Source: Excess weight linked to eight more cancer types: Limiting weight gain may help to reduce risk of these cancers -- ScienceDaily



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