
For problem behavior, spanking and even time-out are a waste of time. Try this instead.

For problem behavior, spanking and even time-out are a waste of time. Try this instead.
From Olga Khazan's latest article in the Atlantic: "I was reporting my recent series about child abuse, I came to realize that parents fall roughly into three categories. There’s a small number who seem intuitively to do everything perfectly: Moms and Dads with chore charts that actually work and snack-sized bags of organic baby carrots at the ready. There’s an even smaller number who are horrifically abusive to their kids. But the biggest chunk by far are parents in the middle. They’re far from abusive, but they aren’t super-parents, either. They’re busy and stressed, so they’re too lenient one day and too harsh the next. They have outdated or no knowledge of child psychology, and they’re scrambling to figure it all out." Source: How to Get Your Kid to Do What You Say, Without Punishing

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