It’s hard to fault someone for being selfless.
We’re taught to put a high premium on kindness, generosity, and the needs of others. Sharing is one of the first lessons that many of us can remember learning as toddlers.
Making a decision based on our partner’s preference or going out of our way for a significant other – even when we’ve had a difficult day ourselves – is the adult equivalent of letting a classmate borrow the crayon that we really wanted to use, no? At any age, these selfless acts are considered fundamentally good.
That doesn’t mean that being in a relationship with a supremely selfless person is fundamentally easy.
What happens when a spouse’s unflinchingly self-sacrificing behavior is built, brick by brick, into a wall so airtight that it’s no longer possible to understand the interests and desires that they hold near and dear?
Maybe it’s as simple as your partner constantly deferring to you to choose the movie or restaurant, or perhaps they are always willing to talk through the challenges of your day, while never quite opening up about their own. Maybe you feel they are always telling you just what you want to hear.
These selfless acts may feel good in the moment but, over time, they’ll limit your ability to authentically connect in your relationship. You may never learn whether they really like Mexican food and comedies best, and you may always wonder if their political views could actually be so similar to yours.
Finding yourself in a constant state of agreement may grow frustrating – and you’ll likely find yourself questioning if your partner’s selfless behavior is too good to be true. (For your sake we hope it’s not, but your concerns are perfectly valid!)
In extreme cases, you may even feel as if you are being stonewalled, which, according to Dr. John Gottman, happens when a listener withdraws from an interaction. Have you ever felt as if your partner’s conversational generosity was simply a tool to shut down the discussion and avoid becoming more fully engaged?
Jackie: Where should we go this weekend?
Jim: I’m happy to go wherever you want to go!
Jackie: That’s great, but I want us to decide together. What would be your perfect getaway?
Jim: I will go anywhere you want. Just say the word!
Even if this conversation is sealed with a kiss and plans for an amazing weekend trip, the fact remains that Jim’s selflessness comes with a side of disengagement – and there’s no way that this goes unnoticed for Jackie.
If you’re struggling to find a healthy balance of authenticity and honesty with your selfless partner, perhaps you need to consider working toward deeper, more intimate conversations with them – drawing out their core opinions, setting a standard for more intentional, open, engaged, and reciprocal communication. Dr. Gottman has three basic rules for intimate conversations:
1 | Put your feelings into words
2 | Ask open-ended questions
3 | Express empathy
In order to draw your partner further into more connected conversations, I suggest focusing on the latter two tips. Practicing these skills in your day-to-day interactions may help your spouse to communicate more genuinely (dare we say selfishly?) with you. Here’s how you can apply these principles more specifically with your self-sacrificing special someone.
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Aug 12, 2016
Aug 12, 2016