Your Toddler's Weight Might Be Affected By Their Exposure to Artificial Light 

by ParentCo. January 11, 2016

The timing, intensity and duration of exposure to both artificial and natural light have acute biological effects in mammals. Light exposure plays a role in the weight of preschool children, a world-first study reveals. "Artificial lighting, including light given off by tablets, mobile phones, night lights, and television, means modern children are exposed to more environmental light than any previous generation. This increase in light exposure has paralleled global increases in obesity."
"The circadian clock -- also known as the internal body clock -- is largely driven by our exposure to light and the timing of when that happens. It impacts on sleep patterns, weight gain or loss, hormonal changes and our mood," said PhD student and study author Cassandra Pattinson said.
READ: Excess light can seriously affect sleep quality in adults.
Source: Light exposure and kids' weight: Is there a link? World-first study revealing light exposure plays a role in the weight of preschool children via



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