
Virgo April 2016 Horoscope

Wow. You’re a pain in the ass. But hey, you’re also discerning, funny, and curious. Oh, and highly distractible. Oh, and endlessly restless.

So listen, you gotta give the kids a break if they can't follow your every move, plan, joke, expectation, and thought. They're kids. And you’re a coked-up chipmunk -- high functioning and fairly efficient, but all over the place. Some new moon stuff early in the month will make it a good time to consider fresh financial ideas. So if your kids say, “Hey, invest in my lemonade business! Get in on the ground floor!” You should definitely consider it. There's gotta be a pretty good return on lemonade. Throw in a little marketing. Use paper cups and powdered mix. Save money on the overhead. It could work. This lemonade thing could take off. WAIT A MINUTE. Holy crap, Virgo. STOP OVERTHINKING IT. Trust your gut a little more, think a little less.

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