What to Know About the Upcoming US Internet Handoff

by ParentCo. August 17, 2016

The Department of Commerce is set to hand off the final vestiges of American control over the Internet to international authorities in less than two months... The move means the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, which is responsible for interpreting numerical addresses on the Web to a readable language, will move from U.S. control to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a multistakeholder body that includes countries like China and Russia. Critics...have pointed out the agency could be used by totalitarian governments to shut down the Web around the globe, either in whole or in part. ...Congress has passed legislation to prohibit the federal government from using tax dollars to allow the transition...feds are constitutionally prohibited from transferring federal property without approval from Congress.
Source: America to hand off Internet in under two months | Washington Examiner



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