Dear Daughter: We’re Sorry. And You’re Welcome.

by ParentCo. June 04, 2017

A girl is eating icecream

Two things we, a 48-year-old father and 44-year-old mother, would like to say to our five-year-old daughter, with regard to our being older parents:
  1. We’re sorry.
  2. And you’re welcome.
More specifically, we’re sorry, for instance, that our piggyback and human horsey sessions may be a bit shorter in duration than some of your friends’. But we’ll gladly read kids’ books to you, and listen to kids’ songs with you for as long as you want. And when it comes to “Harry Potter” and the “Moana” soundtrack, we’ll share a genuine appreciation. You’re welcome. We’re sorry that we might be a little slow to embrace all the high-tech toys and gadgets some of your friends have. But we will gladly join you for a good game of Uno, Chess, Clue, Candy Land, or Crazy Eights anytime. All of which you seem to dig. A lot. You’re welcome. We’re sorry that we regard brunch as a kids’ activity. But, as you’ve learned, kid brunch always ends with ice cream. You’re welcome. We’re sorry we don’t embark on many spontaneous adventures, with or without you. But you rarely have a babysitter put you to bed because your bedtime is pretty much the same as ours. You’re welcome. We’re sorry we might not be as “fun” as some of your friends’ parents. But you’ll never experience a parent with a raging hangover. You’re welcome. We’re sorry we got you golf clubs for your fifth birthday instead of a puppy. But if you practice, you can play with Daddy for the next 30 or 40 years. And maybe even get a free ride to the college of your choice on a Title 9 Scholarship. You’re welcome. We’re sorry we might not be able to relate to being a kid very well since it was such a long time ago for us. But we’ve seen a lot of kids being raised in that time, and we’ve learned what to do. And what not to do. Sort of. You’re welcome. We’re sorry you don’t get to play with apps on an iPad at family events and outings. But we will always talk to you and play with you at these gatherings instead because we know that this is ultimately more fulfilling and enjoyable. And because we don’t know how to download apps onto an iPad. You’re welcome. We’re sorry you don’t have a brother or sister. But it’s important in this life to understand that you don’t always get what you want, that some things are out of your control, like the passing of time, and biology dictated by millions of years of human evolution. It’s important in this life to understand that there are some things you can’t change and to learn how to make the best of your situation. It’s important to hope for, and want, more. It’s important to understand that desire is what inspires us to greatness. It’s important to have dreams, and to follow them. And it’s important in this life to know that sometimes, if you dream, hope, and wait long enough, magic happens. You’re welcome.



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