
50 Questions to Help Identify Your True Parenting Values

smiling parents with baby lying in between

Parenting styles are all so different. People rarely share the same views about what really matters when it comes to raising kids. Questions about parenting can help us clarify where our parenting values lie. According to "thought questions," a site that proposes a new thought-provoking question everyday, “a question that makes you think is worth asking.” So here goes (remember that they’re no right or wrong answers):

1 | What one thing you do to your kid that you would never put up with?

2 | What do you think your kids will remember most about you?

3 | What three words best describe your family?

4 | What’s the one thing you’re most proud of about your kid?

5 | If your kid could star in a movie, what character would he be?

6 | If you could tell your kid what you think about him or her in only three words, what would you say?

7 | What’s your greatest parenting fear?

8 | What three words best describe your parenting style?

9 | What parenting mistake do you regret most?

10 | If you were to make an important speech about your kid, what would you say?

11 | Would you rather your kid be happy or well off?

12 | What do you do out of conformity despite your own parenting beliefs?

13 | What three words best describe your kid?

14 | What parenting habit would you be most ashamed of if people found out about it?

15 | What’s your most irrational parenting fear?

16 | What one thing do you want most for your kids?

17 | If you could get one year paid leave to stay home with your kid, would you take it?

18 | What parenting habit in others do you hate most?

19 | When was the last time you compared your kid to others?

20 | If you could change just one thing about your family, what would it be?

21 | What one thing do you feel judged for?

22 | What word best describes parenting?

23 | What’s one thing you’re terrible at?

24 | What’s the most common parenting lie you tell?

25 | What three things exasperate you most about your kids?

26 | What three things do you think you do to exasperate your kids?

27 | If a genie granted you one wish, what would you wish for?

28 | What’s one thing you’re most thankful for?

29 | Whose family are you most envious of and why?

30 | What one thing do you hope never happens to your kid and/or family?

31 | How often do you show or tell your kid and/or family how much they mean to you?

32 | What's one thing you hope your kid never does?

33 | What do you like most about being a parent?

34 | What do you hate most about being a parent?

35 | Would you rather keep your kids safe or would you rather they spread their wings and fly?

36 | When is the last time you took your kids and/or family for granted?

37 | What do you fear most about your kid’s future?

38 | What three skills do you think your kid really needs?

39 | What three principles guide your parenting?

40 | What one thing do you need to stop doing to your kid and/or family?

41 | What’s your best memory about your kid?

42 | What’s the craziest parenting advice you’ve ever tried?

43 | Would you rather your kid be average or above-average?

44 | What three words do you think a close relation would use to describe your family?

45 | What three words would a stranger use to describe your family?

46 | What one thing do you take for granted?

47 | What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned about parenting?

48 | What three character traits do you admire most in kids in general?

49 | If you “had a dream” for your kids, what would it be?

50 | If you knew you had only one more month to live (sorry!), what would you do differently?

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