Cesarean delivery linked to increased risk of obesity

by ParentCo.

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Rename and Rebrand Key to Success for Lab Grown Meats

by ParentCo.

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7 Ways Being a New Mother Is Just Like Being a Teenager

by ParentCo.

I just ate a candy bar in the bathroom and suddenly realized this new-mom thing is eerily similar to my teenage years.

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Your Kid's Annoying Habit of Interrupting Can Save You From Yourself

by Jill Kiedaisch

To be a parent means to be interrupted. Anywhere. Anytime. For pretty much anything. Though trying, it may not be the worst thing after all.

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Is the No Snacks Battle Worth Fighting?

by Rebecca Lang

Would cutting out snacks really simplify my life and improve my kids' eating habits? Or would they pester me to death before I found out?

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To the Women in My Facebook Mom's Group: Stop Apologizing for Your First World Problems

by ParentCo.

There's no reason to feel bad about feeling bad. We've all been there, and we'll be here for you. Complain away, sister.

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Stop Being the Lenient One – Expect More From Your Kids

by Stephen Bradshaw

No one wants to be a pushover, but sometimes it's hard to drop the hammer on your kids. Regardless, they'll be better for it in the long run.

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When Marriage Fails, Parenting Can Save You

by ParentCo.

While divorce is the end of a marriage, it is also the beginning of a new relationship with our kids. One father reflects on how that bond grew stronger.

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The Best Medication For ADHD is Accepting That You Have It

by ParentCo.

It's the goal of most parents- raise kids who are comfortable in their own skin. But how do we go about that when their behavior is difficult to understand?

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How to Drastically Reduce Your Kid's Temper Tantrums

by ParentCo.

Knowing what can trigger a full on tantrum can be the key to preventing them altogether. We can outsmart the tantrums, and help our children grow and learn.

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How to Help Your Sensory Sensitive Child Have a Great School Year

by ParentCo.

Here are some things I’ve learned about making things easier for my OCD/sensory sensitive child to experience success in school.

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When a Trip to the Pediatrician's Office Makes You Feel Bad

by Cheryl Maguire

There's plenty of opportunity to feel under the microscope as a parent. But the doctor's office may be the most uncomfortable.

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5 Things Dads Will Always Be Bad at Doing

by Stephen Bradshaw

There are things in this world dads are just plain bad at doing and no matter how hard they try, they usually screw it up.

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Why You Should Give up on Achieving 'Work-Life Balance'

by ParentCo.

What if we stopped trying to solve this equation? Instead, we embrace the fact that there is no magical work-life balance formula.

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Getting Back to Chores After Lazy Summer Days

by ParentCo.

Summer has a tendency of relaxing the rules around keeping up with the house. Here are some ways to reel them back in- with help from the kids.

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parents with baby in fitness class

7 Tips For Being the Most Natural Parent of Them All

by Julia Pelly

Natural parenting isn't a game of half measures. If you really want to do it right, you'd better go all the way.

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Research Tells Us Your Kids Are Lying And You Don't Know It

by ParentCo.

New research shows that many parents wouldn't even know if they're raising Pinocchio.

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Impact of Alcohol on Fertility From Consumption to Abstinence

by ParentCo.

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Your Math Skills Will Rub Off on Your Kids

by ParentCo.

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After Years of Purging, a Longing To Be Full: My Secret Struggle With Bulimia

by ParentCo.

Now that I’m blessed with two daughters I’ve almost forgotten about this secret of my past; how I longed to be nourished while starving myself of food.

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How to Stick Up For Yourself Like a Toddler

by ParentCo.

You know who knows what they want and aren't afraid to get/demand/steam roll you for it? Toddlers. Maybe it's time we adults took a page from their book.

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I'm No Longer the Life of the Party, But I Am Still Dancing

by ParentCo.

I'm definitely no longer 20. But I can hardly believe I'm almost 40. And while many things have changed, the most important have stayed the same.

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Why You Absolutely Should Let Your Kids Play With Garbage

by Rhiannon Giles

Give kids PVC pipe, scrap wood, or whatever they can buy for $10 at the resale store and a little freedom. Learning through exploration is magic.

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How to Grill and Swill Like a Dude: A Woman's Guide to the Weekend

by ParentCo.

Ok, ladies. We've let this grill thing go on a little too long. It's time to take what is rightfully ours! Grilling, swilling, and delegating the rest.

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