Video: Teens who Vape More Likely to Become Real Smokers

by ParentCo.

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The Good Old Days? Why is The Past Referred to As The Good Old Days?

by ParentCo.

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The Struggle: Back To School Shopping

by ParentCo.

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mother and child looking at each other

Wireless Motherhood: When Social Media is the New Village

by ParentCo.

Moms, especially new ones, need as much support as they can get. But how do online communities stack up against real life connections?

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The Relaxa 100: How to Not Relax on Vacation

by Cheryl Maguire

You can try to relax while on vacation with your kids. But you're likely going to end up dumped off a raft in the middle of the pool.

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How to Build Your Kid's Body Image and Rehab Your Own

by ParentCo.

Learning to practice compassion and acceptance for ourselves as we rehab our injured body images, helps our children to prehab their own.

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Enhanced Math Skills Later in Life Predicted by Early Spatial Reasoning

by ParentCo.

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Antipsychotics While Pregnant Not Linked to Birth Defects

by ParentCo.

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Temporary Tattoo That Controls Your Electronics THE FUTURE IS HERE!

by ParentCo.

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mother and daughter saying bye

To My Baby Girl, as She Begins Kindergarten

by ParentCo.

Sending your first baby off to kindergarten is a huge milestone in both of your lives.

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The Parenting Regret That Caught Me by Surprise

by ParentCo.

Sometimes what's best for our kids is for us to let them lead the way and to remember that not every "problem" needs solving.

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That Time I Tried to Work and Mother Simultaneously

by ParentCo.

Being a work-at-home mom isn't the easiest gig in the world. Especially on the days my 4-year-old wants nothing to do with the "work" part.

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I Need to Stop Saying "I'm Sorry"

by ParentCo.

Women, far more often than men, apologize reflexively. As mothers, that lifelong habit intertwines with the way we parent.

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I'll Cut Up Your Cell Phone and Other Lessons in Tough Love

by ParentCo.

When extra chores and lectures aren't getting through, sometimes teenagers need a little tough love to make a positive change.

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What to Know About the Upcoming US Internet Handoff

by ParentCo.

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World Elephant Day is Almost Upon Us- Some Are Helping This Way

by ParentCo.

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The Adventures of Batmom and Lightning Chase

by ParentCo.

One mom, one six-year-old, two geriatric dogs, and three days hiking the Long Trail. What could go wrong?

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14 Books Your Kids Should Read Before the Movie Version Comes Out

by ParentCo.

Here's the thing about books being made into movies: You're doing yourself (and your children) a disservice if you neglect to read the book first.

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An Honest Letter to My Oldest Child: What Happened To Us?

by ParentCo.

As kids grow, so do their emotions. Our ability to connect ebbs and flows. And on the days it feels non-existent, we wait, hoping upon hope that it returns.

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Playing Pretend Makes Me Want to Put My Head Through a Wall

by ParentCo.

I love my kids. But if I have to narrate one more Luke Skywalker/Woody death battle or hang out session with Barbie and her girlfriends, I'm going to lose it.

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Why I Post About My Mammogram on Social Media (and So Should You)

by ParentCo.

“Feeling nervous at Radial Mammography Imaging” may be the most important thing to share on social media if it encourages one other woman to go do the same.

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When Raising Kids Takes a Toll On Your Marriage

by Sarah Bregel

With the day to day of raising a young family, a marriage is sometimes simply going through the motions. Even with the best intentions.

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How the Internet is Taking Over Human Memory

by ParentCo.

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After Legalization, Marijuana Exposure in Kids Rises in Colorado

by ParentCo.

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