Pediatricians May Choose to Deny Treatment to Patients Who Don't Vaccinate

by ParentCo.

At the American Academy of Pediatricians conference, doctors discussed a resolution allowing them to deny treatment to patients who refuse to vaccinate.

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Turns Out it's Okay to Let Your Kids Cry it Out When Sleep Training

by ParentCo.

Turns out it's okay to let your kids "cry it out" when sleep training.

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Parenting Through the Heartache of the Orlando Attack

by ParentCo.

In the wake of the Orlando tragedy, it can feel as if there is no good left in the world. Look to your children, let them remind you that love wins.

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mother changing baby

A Decade of Poop

by ParentCo.

From the first hours of motherhood, you are told to care deeply about poop. Year One Black poop from your baby should not be horrifying — or a sign of him eating blueberries and/or black jellybeans.

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To the Mothers: Your Efforts Never Go Unnoticed

by ParentCo.

The work of mothers never ends. The hours are long, the circumstances nearly impossible. We see you out there, mamas. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.

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Is It Possible to Raise Spiritual Kids Without Religion?

by ParentCo.

A mother wonders if she can teach her children to have faith in humanity and love without relying on organized religion.

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The Pregnancy Post to End All Pregnancy Posts

by ParentCo.

For the first time in my online adult life, I was experiencing something privately without making a show of it and without needing to know if anyone noticed or liked me experiencing it.

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What a Little Attention Can Do: My Momover Experiment, Week 3

by ParentCo.

One year after her daughter is born, a New York City mom decides to seriously step up her hair and makeup game with a one-month salon package.

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How Involved Dads Boost Their Baby's Brain Development

by ParentCo.

We all know that a baby needs a loving mother to maximize the chances of growing up to be a happy and successful adult. But how important is a dad?

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Why Does Reading Make Us Happier?

by ParentCo.

Regular readers sleep better, have lower stress levels, higher self-esteem, and lower rates of depression than non-readers.

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Why the Single Mother Hierarchy Needs to End

by ParentCo.

Single parenting is not a competitive sport with badges of honor and various prizes of support and social acceptance.

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Video Series: The Struggle – Dry Cleaning Is Hard

by ParentCo.

The struggle is real, adulting is hard. Even the simplest of chores, like taking the dry cleaning to the cleaners, can turn into a weeks-long project fail.

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10 Thoughtful Ways Parents Can Choose Empathy over Explosion

by ParentCo.

Ten commonly used phrases translated into language that will help develop your child's capacity for empathy.

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Boys Who Grow Up Around Books Earn Much More as Adults

by ParentCo.

Economists compared data on 5,820 European men to see if longer compulsory childhood education could increase kids’ earnings over a lifetime.

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To Help Your Daughter be Body-Confident, Don't Comment on Her Weight

by ParentCo.

Findings suggest that commenting about girls’ weight can have a negative impact later in life.

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My Family Went Camping and I Survived

by ParentCo.

Excitement filled the car but my expectations were low. Since I'd never slept in a sleeping bag on the hard ground, in a tent, I didn't know how I'd fare.

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50 Awesome Picture Books Your Kid Will Love This Summer

by ParentCo.

A kid-tested, and kid-approved summer reading list, featuring 50 of the most-loved children's picture books!

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Sugar: What Kind and How Much?

by ParentCo.

High-fructose corn syrup and regular sugar are so similar that most experts say their effects on the body are essentially the same.

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Children of Color Have Less Access to Advanced Placement Classes

by ParentCo.

The data covers how more than 50 million students at over 95,500 schools around the country fared during the 2013-14 academic year.

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One Woman's Story of Being a Parent and an Addict

by ParentCo.

Like Prince and the millions of Americans who take prescription painkillers every year, I began taking them for their intended purpose: I was in pain.

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Music for Kids: What Does a Children's Rap Lyricist Do?

by ParentCo.

Ike Ramos is a an educator, songwriter, and rapper at the education company Flocabulary.

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The Middle School Years are the Hardest Mothering Years

by ParentCo.

While we often feel that the earliest years of mothering are the most stressful, research shows that it's the middle school years that are the hardest.

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Unplugging the Kids at Sleepaway Camp

by ParentCo.

Sleepaway camp can provide several important life lessons for kids, including how to unplug from their phones.

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Will My Kids Be Proud Of Me?

by ParentCo.

Will my kids be proud of the life decisions I made to get where I am now? I hope so. Because I've always followed my heart.

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