Top 5 Hybrid Sedans for Your Family

by ParentCo.

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5 Things Parents of Four (or More) Kids Want You to Know

by ParentCo.

Yes, I have four kids, all boys from age 3 to 14. While most of the time it’s a happy jumble, there are a few things those of us with a lot of kids want you to know.

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No One Wins in a Drama Triangle

by ParentCo.

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Questions to Ask Your Kids: If Aliens Came to School...

by ParentCo.

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Why Being Facebook Friends With My Kids Works for Me

by Kimberly Yavorski

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Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 3/18/16

by ParentCo.

What we're reading around the web.

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Weekend Beatz: Music from Our Fave Shows

by ParentCo.

From Coach Taylor to Piper Chapman, this playlist's got you covered.

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Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 3/16/16

by ParentCo.

What we're reading around the web.

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Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Garbage Truck

by ParentCo.

Whether I’m now actually interested in garbage trucks or merely suffering from a sort of Parenting Stockholm Syndrome is up for debate.

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by ParentCo.

Our job as parents and caregivers is central to our lives. But parenthood isn't the only lens through which we see the world.

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Can Parenting Classes Help End the Child-Abuse Epidemic?

by ParentCo.

Can parenting classes help curb child abuse? The Atlantic explores the successes and limitations of abuse prevention programs.

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Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 3/14/16

by ParentCo.

What we're reading all around the web.

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Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 3/11/16

by ParentCo.

What we're reading around the web.

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The Danger of Holding Our Kids to Adult Standards

by ParentCo.

"There’s a troubling kind of role reversal going on in American society today: As adults race to the bottom with childish antics...young children are the ones being forced to act like the adults."

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What Do Your Girl Scout Cookie Choices Say About You?

by ParentCo.

Trefoils or Thin Mints? The Unofficial, Un-scientific, Definitive Guide to Your Girl Scout Cookie Choices.

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Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 3/10/16

by ParentCo.

What we're reading around the web.

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Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 3/09/16

by ParentCo.

What we're reading around the web.

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Want to Have More Fun? Plan Less.

by ParentCo.

Research says that if you want to maximize leisure time, better to loosely pencil it in rather than strictly schedule it.

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Chocolate Makes You Smarter Concludes Best Scientific Study Ever Done

by ParentCo.

Here's the best news you'll ever hear ever ever ever.

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Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 3/08/16

by ParentCo.

What we're reading around the web.

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7 Instagram Moms You Need in Your Feed

by ParentCo.

Social media is fulla baloney. Follow these 7 Instagram moms for more inspiration and less aspiration.

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37 Ways to Spend a Kid-free Hour Instead of Scrolling Through Facebook

by ParentCo.

There's no demographic better equipped to tell you how to maximize 60 minutes than brilliant, busy mothers.

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Surprising New Research About the Role of Race in Adoption

by ParentCo.

A new study finds that many people seeking to adopt a child won't consider adopting a black child from the United States.

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I Worry About Teaching My Son About Music

by ParentCo.

I’m not worried about teaching my kid to eat healthy foods. I feel confident about teaching my son to read. But teaching my son about music does worry me.

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