5 links to share with curious kids (week of 7/24/15)

by ParentCo.

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Best links of the week

by ParentCo.

Our favorite links from all over.

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minecraft and other kids related logos

Interview with DIY on how Minecraft, Legos, and duct tape will prepare kids for future careers

by ParentCo.

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Must Read "Room for Debate" - Screen Time and Teens

by ParentCo.

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boy and a girl playing a cardboard pin ball game

This Two Person Tornado of Creativity Is Bringing Pinball to the Masses

by ParentCo.

Learn about The Cardboard Tek Instantute, bringing Pinball to the masses with a table-top system made of precision cut cardboard and customizable play boards.

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boy in pool oh his back holding a floatie

?7 Reasons I Hate Summer

by ParentCo.

Another summer, another year, another collection of days caught like fireflies in a jar and let go again. It’s nothing we planned. It’s everything we hope for. Light slanting, days shifting, circadian rhythms tick-tocking. And it rolls.

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boy peaking holding a pillow looking at his plastic toys

Helping Your Child Develop Resiliency Through Healthy Social Interest

by ParentCo.

The healthiest human beings are those with the highest social interest. If we want to ensure that our children are emotionally healthy, we must raise them in a home where parents demonstrate social interest as a way of life.

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mom with sone looking at a computer

Parents on Social Media: Pew Research Findings 

by ParentCo.

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baby boy putting his hand in a small water fountain

Motherhood: Another Country

by ParentCo.

I can’t think of any photos of just me since my son was born. I can’t think of any at all. I take pictures of Robin and I together, a duo framed. We look straight into the sun. We show our hands to the open shutter. And in all of them, I’m cut—one eye surrendered to a field, another limb abandoned by an ocean.

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many people playing with their kids in white balls

5 links to share with your curious kids (week of 7/17/15)

by ParentCo.

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two people working on their computers with cell phones notebooks and a cat

8 Situations You Might Count as Dates

by ParentCo.

My husband I have 9 or ten dates per year—tops. Unless you count the following. Which I sometimes do—and so might you.

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person holding a phone with black red white yellow circles behind

Apps for Parents who are Hooked on Their Phones- The New York Times

by ParentCo.

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flower with clear ski in the background

5 New Affirmations for Parents

by ParentCo.

All parents need a little positive thinking and self-empowerment about the excruciating, uh, beautiful job of parenting. Here are some quotes that sum it up.

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girl sitting on a rug looking at phone with earphone on

Understanding the Science About Kids and Screens

by ParentCo.

Some say that technology is destroying childhood. Others say it doesn't matter at all. Both sides cherry pick and misuse research to make their case.

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young girl holding a pink teddy bear

The easy guide to explaining truly scary geopolitical events to your kids without freaking them out

by ParentCo.

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girl setting on white couch with looking at a tablet

Take This Quick Survey About Screen Time and Kids

by ParentCo.

We're asking real parents to share their family tech habits in this 60-second survey. We'll publish results on July 17.

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boy with hands folded on desk while adult is pointing at him

7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Parents

by ParentCo.

"Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" translated into less-than-steller parenting moments that we’re all guilty of.

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silhouette of a young and older person looking at a screen all a cartoon

Alarmism is Taking a Toll on Dialogue About Screen Time and Kids

by ParentCo.

It's easy to feel alarmist about screen time and kids, especially with headlines feeding the alarm. But most of us agree more than disagree on this topic. Let's use our common ground to engage in calmer, richer conversations about the best ways to equip our kids for the technology-driven world we all inhabit.

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letter on turquoise background with lines going through it

Best links of the week

by ParentCo.

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black white brown hands touching each other go team with watercolors

See Your Children Leading Healthy Lives? Research Suggests Parents Should Look Harder. - The New York Times

by ParentCo.

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woman on blanket  with toes in the sun

A Lazy Parent’s Guide to Summer

by ParentCo.

It’s summer: the days are long but I don’t want spend any of those extra hours chopping or washing stuff. So I have a whole different set of summer rules.

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old boom box with cassette player

Do Not Call Them Oldies

by ParentCo.

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man sitting a child desk with chalkboard in the background

What If Everything You Knew About Disciplining Kids Was Wrong? | Mother Jones

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man woman children shadow on pavement

Why Childhood Memories Disappear - The Atlantic

by ParentCo.

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