smiling child

Consistent Warmth (Not Consistent Punishment) is What Your Kids Need

by ParentCo.

Maybe consistency has less to do with punishment and more to do with the parent-child relationship.

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Little girl is walking along a blooming purple field  with a small bouquet 

Letter to My Baby Daughter: Beware of the Mean Girls

by ParentCo.

I want you to know that I have the highest hopes for you, my only daughter, and I want you to be prepared for the so-called mean girls.

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family planting plants together

All The Reasons I Shouldn't Have Another Baby in My Forties, Maybe

by ParentCo.

I have for a long time yearned for a fourth child, but at age 45 and already a mother of three, I had pretty much assumed I was done. But what if I'm not?

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young man shocked by the amount of dirty dishes lying in the kitchen sink to be washed

Somebody's Always Crying in a House with Two Under Two

by ParentCo.

Somebody always needs a diaper change, somebody always needs to eat, and, of course, somebody’s always crying. It’s not always the kids, either.

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Spring rolls kid made

Kid Made Recipe: Picnic Spring Rolls

by ParentCo.

These fresh, colorful spring rolls with sweet and spicy dipping sauce are delicious, refreshing, fun to make and easy to transport.

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Little girl sitting with mobile phone on bed at home

5 Engaging Apps to Download for Your ASD Kid Right Now

by ParentCo.

These ASD-friendly apps are cleverly disguised as fun but can also teach your child a thing or two.

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man eating piece of cake near open fridge

5 Techniques for First-Time Homebuyers to Help Manage the Stress

by ParentCo.

Buying a house is likely the largest purchase of your life. You're going to need to manage the stress somehow.

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mother holding baby with stressed father in room

How to Parent on the Same Wavelength Even When You Disagree

by Sanya Pelini

Even when partners both agree on important values for their kids, they might not agree on the most effective method to get there.

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dentist in his office treating girl patient

When Your Kid with Special Needs Does Something a Thousand Times Better Than You

by ParentCo.

There are many times I do not give my son enough credit, times when I lean into past experiences of failed attempts or when I project my fears onto him.

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Girl posing while sitting on bed in the morning 

20 Rituals That Can Improve a Parent's Life

by ParentCo.

These self-care rituals are most effective in helping maintain a relative amount of personal peace, joy, and balance.

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elder sister hugging tensed yonger sister

Being Honest About the Messiness of the Human Experience

by ParentCo.

I don’t want my kids to ever feel like they are alone in the world having feelings that no one else has or feels.

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daughters looking at her pregnant mother in snow

"I Might Be Pregnant Again" and All The Emotions That Come After

by ParentCo.

This would be our fourth child together, and she wants me to be happy so that she can be happy. I want to be happy about this, too. I really do.

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Longtime Lessons on Losing a Friend

by ParentCo.

Sometimes, without warning friends just quit on us. And really, that's their loss.

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woman eating ice cream in bowl

Sugar Intake During Pregnancy Could Trigger Kids' Allergies Later On

by ParentCo.

A new study tells us that eating too much sugar may also trigger allergies and asthma in our kids down the road.

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Discovering Myself Once the Kids Head to School

by ParentCo.

With the impending approach of September comes the age-old existential dilemma: Who am I?

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Smiling Mom Hugging and Kissing Her elder daughter and younger daughter.

Parenting After the Manchester Bombing

by ParentCo.

How do families move forward with confidence after scary events like this one take place?

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shadow of gangster

The Staggering New Stats Surrounding Kids and Gun Deaths

by ParentCo.

Fact: 1,300 American children are killed by guns each year, making firearm injuries the third leading cause of death among zero to 17-year-olds.

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Family playing video games at home

A Guide to Gamer Slang for the Non-Geek Parent

by ParentCo.

Whether your child is a gamer geek, a fantasy nerd, or an all-around lovable dork, you’ve probably heard some of these terms.

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kid playing with blocks

Could Your Struggling Kid Actually Be a Visual-Spatial Learner?

by ParentCo.

Visual-spatial learners tend to learn holistically or non-sequentially, a method that is at odds with a typical curriculum.

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Young pregnant woman looking in mirror

Finding Peace as the Mother of a Rainbow Baby

by ParentCo.

My experiences, even the painful ones, have brought me exactly to where I want to be in my life. I have a loving husband and three beautiful children.

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young girl with braces looking at camera smiling

How I Know My Tween is Adulting Better Than Most Adults

by ParentCo.

Raising confident daughters who have strong senses of self-worth is my main goal as a mom. I think I'm doing just fine.

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young girl

The Intentional Path to Becoming a Sensitive Parent

by ParentCo.

Sensitive parenting has been associated with multiple social, cognitive, and emotional benefits for kids.

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Concerned  mom and daughter talk at park

The Simple Phrase That Is Changing How I Parent

by ParentCo.

Connection is the key to helping kids learn how to behave, and parents have to be the calm in the midst of their kids’ chaos. This phrase can help.

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mother and baby son making bed 

Secrets of Productivity Success

by ParentCo.

Regardless of whether it’s possible to create more time, it is entirely possible to make more out of the time we have.

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