Back to School: A FREE Video Class for Better Family Routines

by ParentCo. August 03, 2015

The return to school after a busy summer is the perfect time to implement new (and better) family routines. This quick-paced course is designed to help parents do just that.

What's included:
  • Ten short videos
  • Interactive quizzes
  • Downloadable reading material
  • 20% discount on any paid course
Classes are easy to take:
  • Watch classes on your own schedule
  • Watch classes in any modern browser, including on smartphones and tablets
  • Videos are short, typically between two - five minutes.

More About This Course

"Back to School" is led by Vicki Hoefle, renowned parent educator and author of the top-rated books Duct Tape Parenting, a Less is More Approach and The Straight Talk on Parenting. About this course, Vicki says: "It’s nearly time for the school doors to open and welcome our kids back to another academic year. Exciting as that may be, back to school can also conjure up feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and maybe even a little dread. Wouldn’t it be great if this year, you were not only ready for the first day of school, but you were also ready for the next 180 days of school. It IS possible and that’s what this course is all about.

With a little thought, some planning and a flexible mindset, any parent can sit back and enjoy the school experience. For me personally, taking the time to create and then execute a well-developed plan was the difference between a life with kids that might have included screaming, yelling, fighting, late mornings and misplaced homework OR one that was filled with joy, laughter, organization, connection, kids who were prepared and on-time departures."



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