The return to school after a busy summer is the perfect time to implement new (and better) family routines. This quick-paced course is designed to help parents do just that.
What's included:With a little thought, some planning and a flexible mindset, any parent can sit back and enjoy the school experience. For me personally, taking the time to create and then execute a well-developed plan was the difference between a life with kids that might have included screaming, yelling, fighting, late mornings and misplaced homework OR one that was filled with joy, laughter, organization, connection, kids who were prepared and on-time departures."
Valentine’s Day is the perfect kid holiday. You’re not old enough to be jaded by the “most romantic day of the year.” You get piles of candy and great books.
Small adjustments, like creating a budget or setting savings goals, can make a big difference over time. Build a robust financial future for your family.