Sexting. Some parents have difficulty just saying the word, never mind admitting that their child might just might be participating in it. Our sweet, innocent 3rd and 4th graders have suddenly become tweens and teens, and they are growing up in a world very different than the one most of us grew up in a world surrounded by technology.
These kiddos can receive immediate, accurate answers to academic questions or link classrooms and share poems with students in Ghana and Kansas. They can keep up with their distant their grandparents each week via Skype.
But this invaluable technology has also introduced our children to texting, social media, YouTube, cyberbullying and yes, even sexting. With the awesome comes the icky.
As parents we can stay in denial and try to convince ourselves that we have the ability to protect our kids from Internet dangers like sexting, or we can get educated, grab our courage and meet our kids where they already are smartphone in hand.
Contrary to popular belief, technology is NOT the problem. The problem is our lack of preparation around this issue. Its the lack of intelligent conversation we have with our kids and our fear of the unknown.
Remember, our job as parents is to teach, prepare and work alongside our kids as they learn to navigate the world of technology filled with all the pluses and minuses.
Parents come to me confused on how to handle the issues surrounding their tween/teen and technology. This subject often either leads to power struggles between parents and their kids that negatively impact their relationship. Then, the entire topic of responsible technology use gets lost in the mix of fighting and battling. It can even lead to an if you cant beat them, give up and let them attitude with no structure, conversation or boundaries in place.
Its not unusual for me to ask a room full of concerned parents What do you know about your child to ensure that you have set up a structure that will work for her? Silence. Uh, structure?
Often the story is, My son turned 13, and all he wanted was a phone. All of his friends have them, and he was dying for his own so he could text and stay connected. Now, just a few months later, its a mess. The phone bill is sky high, hes on the screen all the time, hes neglecting homework and family. Its a nightmare.
Okay. Lets back this bus up a bit and see if an analogy will make it clear where we get tripped up.
Before handing someone the keys to a car, which person has:
- Reached a certain age.
- Passed drivers education.
- Practiced driving for hours with an experienced driver.
- Proven they can handle the responsibility of paying for a car or gas.
- First, do what it takes to find the courage, to talk with your tween/teen about the various scenarios that might come up and how she/he might handle them.
- Ask questions. Find out about your teens cyber IQ. How tech savvy is she? Does she realize once something gets out there in cyberspace you cannot get it back? Or does she really think that once the image disappears from Snapchat it is gone for good?
- Work in other areas of life with your child to ensure that he has the tools to navigate tricky subjects. Does he accept responsibility? Does he value himself and others? Does he practice empathy and respect? Does he crave attention and long to fit in?
- Come to fair and reasonable guidelines with your child around technology use and include sexting in the conversation. Have a plan and stick to it.
- Remember your kids need to know they can trust you. Following through on an agreement demonstrates this. They may be mad at first, but the bigger message is you do what you say, which means you can be trusted.
- Respect your childs privacy. Have faith in your childs ability to keep the agreements. This doesnt mean turn a blind eye to what is going on, but it does mean that you dont have an app that sends all your childrens texts to your phone, too. Finding out what is on your teens cell phone is about trust and respect.