How Trees Calm Us Down - The New Yorker

by ParentCo. July 24, 2015

Everyone knows the phrase "if money grew on trees." While that certainly would be nice, a new study suggests that perhaps the leaves themselves make us feel just as wealthy.
The study compares two large data sets from the city of Toronto, both gathered on a block-by-block level; the first measures the distribution of green space, as determined from satellite imagery and a comprehensive list of all five hundred and thirty thousand trees planted on public land, and the second measures health, as assessed by a detailed survey of ninety-four thousand respondents. After controlling for income, education, and age, Berman and his colleagues showed that an additional ten trees on a given block corresponded to a one-per-cent increase in how healthy nearby residents felt. “To get an equivalent increase with money, you’d have to give each household in that neighborhood ten thousand dollars—or make people seven years younger,”
Read the full article on The New Yorker: How Trees Calm Us Down



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