
Dr. Aimee Ketchum

Dr. Aimee Ketchum is a pediatric occupational therapist with over 26 years of experience working in pediatrics. She currently practices occupational therapy in the neonatal intensive care unit and is a professor of early childhood development in the Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program of Cedar Crest College. Ketchum is the founder and director of Aimee’s Babies, LLC and creator of STEM Starts Now digital parenting program. Ketchum recently had her book, The Early Childhood Promise: Sparking Change in Parents, Early Childhood Professional and Policymakers published by Owl Publishing. Ketchum creates and teaches workshops on early child development through PA Quality Assurance System for pre-school teachers and early intervention practitioners. Her baby development DVDs and apps have been featured on the Rachael Ray show, The American Occupational Therapy Association and iPhone Essentials Magazine. She was the winner of the 2017 Fine Living Lancaster Innovator Award, and the 2018 Social Enterprise Pitch and her work has been recognized with the prestigious Word Gap Challenge Finalist award from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Her goal is to support parents in giving all children everywhere the best start possible.

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