14 Star Wars GIFs That Explain What It's Like to Be a Parent

by ParentCo. April 08, 2015

The Star Wars films are among the most popular, enduring family movies of all time. (Despite the super awkward family dynamics they portray.) Both kids and grownups love them. To celebrate the annual occasion of Star Wars Day (and also, just because) we decided to tell the story (saga) of parenthood exclusively in Star Wars GIFs. *makes lightsaber startup sound in head, starts scrolling* (Note - the icons used in the banner above are available for free from Notabli co-founder Sensible Jory Raphael.)

So, you're going to be parent.

This is happening.

Everything is about to change.

But you can handle it.

It begins.

But despite your exhaustion, so much joy.

Still, some parts make zero sense.

When you learn someone is picking on them at school.

When you teach them to drive.

Even when they become teenagers.

And they drive you nuts.

Soon enough, they'll be doing more and more for themselves.

They're becoming their own person.




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