
5 Halloween Crafts You Can Do With Your Kids

boy making halloween home decorations

Fall is in the air and it's time for Halloween! Time for apple picking, pumpkin carving, scary stories, spooky movies, haunted houses, mind-blowing costumes and the best of the best holiday decorations.

Adults and children love Halloween. Here are five fun, easy and most importantly safe decorating ideas you can create together at home.

Apple Shrunken Heads

You will need some apples, a small carving knife, an espresso spoon(for little hands that want to carve), lemon juice, and salt.

  • Peel the apples
  • Carve features into each apple. Eyes, ears, noses, cheeks. Anything you choose! The deeper the carving the better for when they shrivel up!
  • Mix 1 cup of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of salt and dunk your carved apples in the mixture.
  • Hang your apples from a string or set them on a stick and watch them shrink up into scary-old-faces over the next couple of weeks! (I display mine on sticks I collected outside after a storm in a glass vase.)

Brown Sandwich Bag Luminaries

You will need a pack of brown sandwich bags, a pencil, safety scissors, and a few shapes in mind or a pattern to trace, and tea candles safely placed deep in mason jars (old jam jars work perfectly.)

  • Draw or trace a shape on each bag. I have bats, black cats, witch hats, half Moons and Jack-o-lanterns on mine.
  • Carefully cut the shapes out on the bags.
  • Cut the tops of the bags down a couple of inches so when the candle is lit the bag won’t get too hot.
  • Place the glass jar with the candle inside the bag and voila! Scary lighting for your steps, balconies, mantels or tables!

Lollipop Ghosts

You will need a stack of white tissue paper or just plain white tissues, some string or clear rubber bands (or small hairbands), and a black ‘sharpei’ marker.

  • Take one lollipop and cover it with a tissue or the tissue paper so it covers what will become the head of the ghost.
  • Tie a string or fasten a rubber band around the stick of the lollipop just beneath the ‘head.’
  • Use the black marker to draw two eyes, a nose and a mouth for your ghost!

Wine Cork Spiders

You will need some old wine corks, some black pipe cleaners, a black marker, some googly eye stickers, and some safety scissors.

  • Color corks black if you choose to (leaving them as plain corks still looks cool!) stick googly eyes on one end of the cork and let dry for a few minutes.
  • Decide on how long you want your spider’s legs to be and then cut the pipe cleaners into 8 equal legs for each spider.
  • Take a cork and attach the 8 pipe cleaner legs into the sides of it. Four on each side of the cork.
  • Bend the legs so that the cork is suspended off of the surface you set it on and you have yourself some spiders!!!

No Carve Pumpkins

I love carving pumpkins but they just don’t last very long once you cut into them. This is an easy way to decorate your pumpkins at the beginning of the month and still be able to enjoy them by the time Halloween rolls around. You will need washable paints, paintbrushes, stencils and pumpkins!

  • Pick a spooky face or pattern for your pumpkin.
  • Paint your choice of pattern or face on each pumpkin.
  • Done! Set them on our tables, under lights or behind candles for an extra spooky glow!

I hope you all have a safe and Happy Halloween and I hope these ideas help to make it an extra spooooOOOOoooooooky one this year!!

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