I Am a Travel Writer: Here Are My 6 Family Travel Hacks
Our family vacations—as cheap and tiring as they have been—have made my kids empathetic, curious, and open-minded world travelers, and this makes me proud.

10 Random Spring Holidays You Need to Celebrate
Embrace the weird and random with these 10 spring holidays you won’t want to miss. Trust me, your kids will dig it.

10 Outside Adventures That Require Little to No Planning
These 10 nature-based activities require very little in the way of supplies and can be implemented in (almost) a moment’s notice.

Why I Let My Son Watch (Some) Sports on TV
He's a competitive kid so he enjoys cheering on "his team" (usually whichever team is winning when he turns on the game).

April Fools' Day Pranks to Play on Your Kids Because They’ve Got it Coming
With April Fools' Day coming, you might be considering how to pull one over on your kids. I've consulted with a few smart alecks to offer you these suggestions.

How to Make Storytelling a Fun and Engaging Family Affair
Storytelling is portable and requires no gadgets, batteries, or anything else to weigh down your diaper bag and can bring your family closer, too.

Ensuring Safe Toys and Gear for your Little One
Since not all companies are scrupulous, here’s how parents can make sure the products they buy for their family are safe. Shop from brands you trust.

The Best Gifts for Babies Ignite Curiosity
Babies are born with curiosity. The best toys tap into that inquisitive spirit—helping them explore the world and build skills and confidence along the way.

Helping your Introvert Kid Navigate Recess
The energy and chaos of running around on the playground isn't the break all kids need during the school day. Introverts may do well to have an alternative.

Finding Playfulness in Parenting
Although we become parents, we never truly cease to be children. Sure, we are saddled with profound responsibilities. But we can embrace our inner kid, too.

5 Halloween Crafts You Can Do With Your Kids
Adults and children love Halloween. Here are five fun, easy and most importantly safe decorating ideas you can create together at home for spooky fun.

20 Ways to Bring Books to Life through Play
Where you read, how you read, when you read. It all matters. But the story doesn't have to end just because the book does. Extend the book beyond its pages.

What Makes a Great Hannukah Gift?
I propose that the best Hannukah gifts reference the values of the holiday and contemporary Jewish culture: sacrifice, self-deprecation, humor, and food.

Why You Should Cheer on Your Daredevil
Well, that or cover your eyes. Your call.

How to Make Art With Little Kids - Even if You Aren't Arty
At a young age I decided art wasn't for me. My coloring didn't stay inside the lines. Then I became a parent. I wanted to foster my kids' skills and creativity.

Forget the Summer Bucket List, Play Summer Bingo Instead!
By mid-July, people begin freaking out about their summer bucket lists. But since this season is supposed all about fun, we created this summer bingo game.

5 Questions to Consider When Signing up Your Child for an Afterschool Program
Over the course of a typical school year, there are around 525 hours between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. How can you make sure your kids needs are met?

Worried Those Early Extracurriculars Are a Waste of Money? Maybe Not.
New research shows extracurriculars are promising for kids and their development in numerous ways, even during early childhood. Here's what makes a difference.

How Summer Travel Helps Promote Outdoor Play
The benefits of outdoor play are endless. But sometimes being stuck in our routine makes it less of a priority. Traveling can bump it back to the top.

To the Parent Sitting on the Sidelines Watching: Jump In!
It takes so much energy just to get everyone to the fun. But what if having fun yourself gives you that energy back? What would change if you jumped in?

Why Kids Watch the Strangest Things on YouTube
Why do kids choose such strange videos on YouTube, like unboxing videos, movies of people playing Minecraft, or clips of YouTube celebrities shopping?

Sibling play: Games for Toddlers and Preschoolers to Enjoy Together
Playing together is a powerful way for siblings to bond. But for kids at different growth stages, it isn’t always easy to find activities everyone enjoys.

Summer Camp is the Adventure Your Kids Need to Thrive
Dig out that summer camp catalog and take a look at your options. The return on investment definitely seems worth it. We love nature-based free play, too.

A Trip to Canada’s National Parks May Be Just the Vacay You Need This Summer
This summer, find out for yourself why Bono, frontman for U2, said “I believe the world needs more Canada.” Here are incredible places to see with your family.