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loving same sex male family cuddling, sleeping baby daughter on sofa

Baby Sleep 101: Back to Basics

As a certified pediatric sleep expert, I want to stress that every baby is different and has different needs for sleeping, feeding, growing, and learning. 

Sleep son climbs on fathers back as they play game

Beyond "Sleep When the Baby Sleeps" – 7 Tips For New Parents That Are Actually Useful

Throughout my pregnancy I mostly heard the same advice over and over.  To help out all the soon-to-be-mamas out there, I’ve compiled a list of my all-time favorite, never before heard newborn survi...

Sleep baby sleeping

Solving The Puzzle of Infant Sleep

In my practice of taking care of children and parents, there’s a common struggle in the first two years: sleep. “How can my family get enough?"

Sleep baby sleeping

Understanding and Surviving Sleep Regressions

Sleep regressions are actually PROgressions of childhood development. Let’s dive into everything you need to know about baby and toddler sleep regressions.

Sleep From Tired Mom to Expert Sleep Consultant

From Tired Mom to Expert Sleep Consultant

I am humbled to say that I created my dream job. I wake up every morning, after a full night’s rest, ready to support other parents and help their family sleep.

Sleep mother holding her son

What To Do When Sleep Is Not an Option

When you're running a sleep deficit, you need a surplus in the other areas of your well-being to balance it out. Here are some ways to get through.

Sleep mom dad and kids in bed sleeping

Parenthood: Always Waiting, Often for Sleep

Parenting is, by definition, a kind of waiting. We, the parents of the world, are all holding our collective breaths together. The big question: will the child sleep?

Sleep baby legs in a cradle

Babies Who Sleep in Their Own Rooms at Four Months Sleep Better

Babies who sleep in their parents’ bedroom at four months old have shorter sleep stretches than their counterparts who sleep in their own bedrooms.

Sleep father sleeping with baby

How to Cope on No Sleep

Some expert advice for when you know you won’t be getting the hours of shut-eye your body and brain are craving.

Sleep baby boy sleeping on mother's  shoulders

Please Sleep, but Not All Night

Because, deep down, I know this is the last time I'll share my bed with a small person who steals my slumber, I'm as reluctant to give it up as I am sleepy.