5 Sensory Experiences to Enhance Learning & Benefit Any Kid
Sensory experiences can help increase focus and concentration and calm anxiety and hyperactivity in all kids- not just those with special needs.

How to Make Storytelling a Fun and Engaging Family Affair
Storytelling is portable and requires no gadgets, batteries, or anything else to weigh down your diaper bag and can bring your family closer, too.

11 Lovely Children’s Books on Love
Valentine’s Day is the perfect kid holiday. You’re not old enough to be jaded by the “most romantic day of the year.” You get piles of candy and great books.

A Fresh Start: Building Financial Stability for your Family
Small adjustments, like creating a budget or setting savings goals, can make a big difference over time. Build a robust financial future for your family.

5 Tips to Teach your Child Gracious Gift Receiving this Holiday Season
The holidays are a time for joy, family, friends and gift-giving. Amid the excitement, it's important to teach your child how to receive presents with grace.

Teaching our Children about Gratitude during the Holidays
Simply encouraging thankfulness in your child’s life can be a great way to help them understand gratitude, but there are also more creative ways, too.

The Best Gifts for Babies Ignite Curiosity
Babies are born with curiosity. The best toys tap into that inquisitive spirit—helping them explore the world and build skills and confidence along the way.

5 Pumpkin-Themed Activities for Children that Go Beyond Carving
This season, we’ve rounded up five fun-filled, pumpkin-themed activities complete with various opportunities for learning, bonding and immersive entertainment.

How Music Education Helps Teach Kids Empathy
Several studies have determined that kids exposed to music, particularly in groups or in correlation with rhythmic movement, have higher levels of empathy.

20 Ways to Bring Books to Life through Play
Where you read, how you read, when you read. It all matters. But the story doesn't have to end just because the book does. Extend the book beyond its pages.

Why I Take My Kids to the Library and You Should, Too
In the age of one-day Prime shipping and the instant gratification of eBooks, do people even go to the library to get books anymore? Here's why it's a great idea.

Let Simplicity Rule When Helping Your Kids Learn
You can pin whatever elaborate projects you want onto your Pinterest boards, but there's no need to be an overachiever when it comes to teaching your kids.

5 Things to Know about Baby’s First Steps
For your little one, walking means entering a whole new stage of life, where the world is their oyster. Here’s what to know as your little one learns to walk.

What Exactly is STEAM Learning and How Does it Help my Kids?
When you hear about the relatively new emphasis on STEAM learning, you may wonder how that’s unlike the diversified studies from years past. Here's why it matters.

How to Teach your Children To Be Problem Solvers
By our nature, humans must be problem solvers, but, that’s not to say problem solving always comes easily to adults—let alone children. Here's how to grow this skill.

A Helpful Guide to Introducing Your Kids to the Arts
Art- be it music, dance, theater, or visual, enhances learning of all kinds. Introducing the different modalities to our kids from an early age is key.

How to Transition from Summer to a School Routine
Preparing children for school after summer break provides direction and fosters a positive attitude toward returning. It sets the stage for a successful year.

Back-to-School Blues: Help Your Child Overcome Anxiety
If your child is skittish about returning to school, you can help them overcome their stress. Start with seeking to understand what's behind the anxiety.

Creative Ways to Teach Children About Water Safety
When you teach water safety skills, you can add sustainable water practices, so your kids can learn to be careful around the water while taking care of the planet.

How to Know if Your Child is Ready for Potty Training
What many may not realize is that readiness for potty training isn't just about age—it's more about your child's individual development. Here's how to know.

5 Tips to Teach Kids the Subtle Art of Graciousness
In an effort to improve both manners and self-esteem, here are five easy tips to practice when accepting a compliment. You'll help raise a gracious kid.

No, Really, Your Kids Need to Do Chores
As a member of the household, and in the interest of building skills that they'll need for a lifetime, your kids should be doing chores. Here's the case for why.

7 Mess-free Ways to Teach your Child about the Environment
If you’re a busy parent looking for easy, dirt-free ways to celebrate our Earth with your child all year long, here are 7 fun, simple ideas to try with your family.

Kid Made Recipe: Funfetti Ice Cream Sandwiches
Add rainbow sprinkles to a package of store bought cookie mix and you’re halfway done already. Who needs the ice cream truck?