Top 5 reading list for parents 4/10-4/17

by ParentCo. April 17, 2015

We won't name names, but just this morning, someone in our office tried to curse us all with NKOTB's admitted smash hit "The Right Stuff". Thankfully, we stumbled across this article on how to cleanse the earworms that are 90's chart toppers. (Or any irritating songs, for that matter.)
Tinybop's Robot Factory is exactly the sort of app we want to see more of. Like a set of digital Tinker-Toys, it's designed for imagination. And sure, it's aimed at kids, but there's no reason you can't try your hand at building something awesome.  Lindsay Ishihiro's honest depictions of her adventures in parenting give us something to look forward to on Mondays. We're only laughing because we aren't raising Millennials. "Why Is Your Millennial Crying?" The best way to teach our kids emotional intelligence is to exhibit it ourselves. Need some help with that? This LifeHacker article has it covered.



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