When Schools Overlook Introverts: Why Quiet Time is Important for the Learning Process - The Atlantic

by ParentCo. September 28, 2015

The ever growing trend in the educational world of favoring student collaboration and dynamic learning activities over independent study may come at a cost to introverted students. From the arrangement of the classroom to the volume of the resulting environment, social learning activities don't bring out the best performance in every kid.
Near the end of my observations last week, I told two teachers on separate occasions that I’d feel incredibly exhausted at the end of every day if I were a student at that school. To my surprise, both of them responded by immediately laughing and then agreeing. One recalled learning best when arranged in rows, while the other concurred, “I know, right? How exhausting it must be to have another student in your business all day long.”
Read the full article: When Schools Overlook Introverts: Why Quiet Time is Important for the Learning Process - The Atlantic



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