8 Ways "Dumb and Dumber" Prepared Me to Be a Parent

by ParentCo. August 02, 2016

Being a member of Gen X, I'm happy to admit that the comedy "Dumb and Dumber" was – and still is – one of my favorite movies. I've lost track of how many time I've watched that pumpkin pie-hair-cutted freak. Though I definitely didn't realize it until the more recent viewings, I'm amazed how this movie prepared me to be the father I am today. Who knew these parenting tips from Lloyd and Harry were there all along?

1 | Never give up, and always try to see the brighter side of life.

As a parent we come to situations each and every day that are not always positive. It's our job as a father, husband, and role model to see the best in everything possible situation:

2 | Kids can and will be loud and obnoxious.

They make sounds like no other, and if they find a sound that really bothers you it becomes their go-to for whenever they “need you." Well, thanks to "Dumb and Dumber" I've been conditioned to know what these sounds can entail. The Gas Man showed me how to handle it with eloquence and class:

3 | Generosity.

We could all be a little more generous in life. Give more to those around you who could use a little hand up. Heck, if you got it, flaunt it. Lloyd has shown me the light; I aspire to this level of giving.

4 | Everyone loves a good joke.

If you're going to pull a practical joke on a friend, go all the way. Who doesn’t like a joke to knock them right off of their chair?

5 | Things can always be worse. Always!

Try to keep this in mind the next time your daughter brings home an undesirable, or your seven-year-old just broke every window on your garage door by “mistake.” Or when your wife accidentally hits "reply all" and forwards your dirty laundry. It can always be worse.

6 | We can’t all be experts all the time.

Sometimes we just have to fake it 'til we make it. The key is to be confident in your delivery. After all, that's how I got a first date with my wife. I was confident, interested, and engaged the entire time, even when I wasn’t. But I bought into the chance meeting and owned it like a big boy. I think I learned from the man himself:

7 | Good relationships are tough to find, and even tougher to be a part of.

Lloyd and Harry showed us all what it's like to deal with adversity in our lives. Some really good nuggets here:

8 | Dress for success.

If you look good, you feel good and you can do anything that life brings your way.



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