
These Secret Netflix Codes Unlock a Better Family Movie Night

Here's a little tip for unearthing some cinematic gems for your next Netflix and Chil(dren) session.

Netflix has been holding out on us, you guys. This little trick the internet recently alerted us to can streamline the time you spend digging around for something new for your kids to run into the ground. When you browse Netflix on the computer, you're using a url that looks like this: That number at the end is the key to unlocking secret category codes that help you access all sorts of collections and films you may have otherwise missed. If, like my family, you never really watch via the computer, you can still search this way and add to your lists to watch later on your TV. (Note that this shortcut doesn't work when browsing in a kid account.)

Here are some we've found most useful:

Find codes for everybody on this unofficial list. We've played around typing in random codes (some which work, some which don't...) and been more than entertained by what we've churned up. Let us know what you find! Netflix Secret Codes

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