Top 10 Posts of 2016: #8 How to Strengthen Your Child's Emotional Intelligence

by ParentCo. December 27, 2016

number eight filled with blue bubbles

Sad girl crying against a fence

How to Strengthen Your Child's Emotional Intelligence

by Meghan Owenz

When emotions run high, people do and say things they normally would not. When you're a young child, this is what you do all the time.

Emotional self-regulation, a large component of emotional intelligence, is the ability to manage one’s experience and expression of emotions. With practice, children improve their capacity for emotional self-regulation. By age four, most children start to use strategies to eliminate disturbing external stimuli. In other words, they cover their eyes when they're scared and plug their ears when they hear a loud noise.

It’s not until age 10 that children consistently use more complex strategies for emotional self-regulation. These strategies can be broken down into two simplistic categories: those that attempt to solve the problem and those that attempt to tolerate the emotion.

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