My husband might love me more for my devotion to Star Wars than for my devotion to our children – specifically for the fact that we agree that Episodes 4-6 are still the greatest. I don’t tell him it’s really my crush on Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher that keep me loyal. If you fancy yourself a Star Wars fan, I’ve got good news for you. May 4th is your day. Officially known as “Star Wars Day” all over the world, this is the day where all the sci-fi, space opera, Lucas lovers out there can throw on their Boba Fett t-shirts and say with purity of heart, “May the fourth be with you.” Historically, the first Star Wars Day was celebrated at the Toronto Underground Cinema in Canada in 2011. It hit international status in 2013 when Disney adopted the holiday with special events at both Disneyland and Disney World. Of course, because you knew this was coming, it went universal in 2015, when astronauts paid homage on the day by watching Star Wars in the International Space Station. I mean, what else are you going to do? So, if you share a love for Yoda, have ever taken a Buzzfeed quiz on whether you’d join the dark side, or own a single action figure, it’s time to join “forces” on May fourth. Here are some ideas to help make your holiday… epic.