These 8 Books Can Help Your Teen Choose a Career

by ParentCo. July 24, 2017

teenager reading a book

Teenagers often have a tough time finding their passion and choosing a career path. Their options are endless, and the choice can be very overwhelming. You can help guide your teen by exploring their interests and aptitudes with them. What are some of the things they enjoy doing? What strengths do they possess? Are there certain areas in school where they excel? The answers can help steer them in the right direction. From there, books make an ideal supplementary navigational tool. These eight books can help your teen choose a career:

What Color Is Your Parachute?

by Carol Christen

This special teen version of “What Color is Your Parachute?” draws from the principles of the adult book with the same name. It is designed to help high school and college students zoom in on their favorite skills, and learn how to choose a major or career based on those abilities. The book includes interview tips, how to leverage social media to find a job, internships, and more.

Now What?

by Nicholas Lore

Only 30 percent of college graduates report satisfaction with their careers, often because they’ve chosen the wrong field. “Now What?” removes the guesswork by guiding your teen through the process of designing a career that gives them the best chance for both high-level success and satisfaction. “You can write yourself into this book as the hero in your own life, on a quest, a high adventure to find a career you love,” says the author.

Careers: The Graphic Guide to Finding the Perfect Job for You

by DK

“Careers” reaffirms that it’s never too early for your tween or teen to start thinking about a career. The book is filled with charts and diagrams that help young people learn more about individual careers. At-a-glance summary panels shed light on salary, working hours, and training for specific fields, while cross-referenced job matrix tables offer another way to learn about all the options. “Careers” will help get your child thinking about the future.

The Success Principles for Teens

by Jack Canfield

Author Jack Canfield is an award-winning speaker and an internationally recognized leader in personal development and peak performance strategies. His book “The Success Principles for Teens” is inspiring, encouraging, and practical. The book includes 23 of the most important success strategies used by thousands of exceptional young people throughout history.

You Got This!

By Maya S. Penn

“You Got This!”, from entrepreneur, animator, eco-designer, and girls’ rights activist Maya Penn, helps teens unleash their awesomeness. Maya shares her incredible journey to business ownership, along with a creative blueprint and all the tools she used to achieve success – whether your teen dreams of becoming the next Maya S. Penn or would like to pursue a more structured career path. “The tone is fun and conversational as Penn identifies common modes of thinking (for example, the flip-flopper), with suggested activities for those feeling unfocused or overwhelmed (dream boards, idea books),” says School Library Journal.

Doable: The Girls' Guide to Accomplishing Just About Anything

by Deborah Reber

“Calling all girls: ‘Doable’ gives you everything you need to know to take actions to find your power, live your dreams, and then dream bigger,” says Denise Restauri, author, “Forbes” contributor, and founder and CEO of GirlQuake. This is the only book on the list devoted entirely to young women. Overcoming anxiety, letting go of fear, and transforming negative thinking into goal pursuing, actionable energy is what “Doable” is all about. The book outlines strategies for success and includes profiles of young women who have already found it in areas like activism, entrepreneurialism, philanthropy, and more.

Do What You Are

by Paul D. Tieger

Teens can discover their perfect career by first understanding their personality type based on the Meyers Briggs (MB) personality tests. Once identified, the book reveals occupations that are popular with each type, provides helpful case studies, and offers a rundown of each type’s work-related strengths and weaknesses.

The Art of Work

by Jeff Goins

“‘The Art of Work’ accomplishes the next to impossible, providing clear, relevant, useful guidance on finding your calling while being enormously enjoyable to read. It is required reading for anyone who is asking, ‘What should I do with my life?’” says Pamela Slim, author of “Body of Work.” The path to your child’s life work starts with discovering what they are meant to do. From there, their interests should connect with something the world needs – in essence, living for a larger purpose. Through personal experience, compelling case studies, and current research on the mysteries of motivation and talent, author Jeff Goins can show your child how to discover their perfect vocation and make a difference in the world. Which career book or inspirational guide for teens would you add to this list? Share in the comments!



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