yong mother and little daughter standing in running court

How Neck Pain and Parenting Are Connected – and What You Can Do About It

by Sherianna Boyle

How do you parent in a way that your body doesn’t have to take the brunt of your frustrations? Like this.

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A pregnant lady using phone sitting on a bench outside.

Know Your Rights: Pregnancy Discrimination Is Illegal

by ParentCo.

Pregnancy discrimination hurts women, families, children, and even businesses who then miss out on opportunities to hire hard-working employees.

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Two girls planting a tree

Make Giving Tuesday a Thoughtful Family Tradition

by Carrie Howe

November 29th is “Giving Tuesday.” Here are some ideas for how to engage your children in thoughtful giving when kicking off the holiday season.

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legs of grandmother and grand child

To My Granddaughter: Do Not Lose Faith in People

by ParentCo.

I want to tell you this world will be all good and wonderful things. I want to tell you there is beautiful inspiration everywhere. And there is.

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hand print

7 Simple Lessons My Kids Have Taught Me About Living Life

by Megan Woolsey

The transition from childless to mother of four, could be jarring. But with a little self reflection, it's clear the lessons learned are the important ones.

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children painting on the wall

8 Surprising Reasons I Didn't Freak Out About Choosing a Preschool

by Pam Moore

I’m sure details like educational philosophy and curriculum content matter, when making a preschool decision, I couldn’t be bothered to worry about them.

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leaf stages ranging from fresh leaves to dry

6 Simple Ways to Help Your Child Cope With Death

by ParentCo.

Here are some things to consider when faced with calming your child’s fears and answering questions regarding the death of a friend or family member.

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Toddler with two apples in his hand

The Lies I Tell My Son So That He'll Eat His Dinner

by Mark Oliver

It may not be a sustainable system, but for now, lying to our kid to get him to eat healthy food seems to be working.

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How to Support a Friend Struggling with Infertility

by ParentCo.

When a friend is struggling with the heartbreak of not being able to conceive a child, it can be hard to know how to support them.

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doctor checking pregnant women belly

A Surprising Parenting Lesson From My Gynecologist

by ParentCo.

There was one lesson I never expected to learn from my gynecologist while my feet were in stirrups: how to master the art of distraction.

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Leaves on the road

The Impressions Are What Matter In Life, Not The Details

by ParentCo.

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We Shopped Through These 9 Mom-Targeted Facebook Ads So You Didn’t Have To

by ParentCo.

We clicked and shopped through nine Facebook ads and are fully prepared to separate the wheat from the chaff.

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A couple and their shadow

Society is Wrong, Your Body is Perfect

by ParentCo.

As a mom to three kids, two of whom are girls, I hope that I can start promoting a healthier environment in which they can grow.

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A child washing a car's window

6 Simple Product Switches for a Healthier Home

by ParentCo.

Individually, the chemicals in these products seem insignificant, but they do add up. Small swaps can mean a healthier home and planet.

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A depressed woman

My Severe Anxiety Threatened to Ruin a Family Trip to the Amusement Park

by ParentCo.

Grappling with anxiety is hard enough on our own. But we owe it to our kids to parent through the fear and give them the experiences they deserve.

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Girl in red dress with painting in hand

4 Simple Ways to Help Improve Your Kid's Mood

by ParentCo.

We all get grumpy sometimes. Luckily, it doesn't have to last long. Especially if you employ some proven remedies.

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apple tart in a pan

Kid Made Recipe: Easy Apple Tart

by ParentCo.

This tasty apple tart is the perfect weekend baking project for a kid chef - you peel and chop and they do the rest!

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A father playing with his child, showing bubbles

Can I Please Just Enjoy This Dad Double Standard?

by Jared Bilski

No, I don't like being called the babysitter, but I'm not going to complain about being hailed a hero for simply going to the grocery store with a baby.

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A student raising hand among other students in a class

How to Avoid Raising Know-It-Alls

by Zaeli Kane

As parents it’s on us to convey that being smart doesn’t mean being right; it means wanting to know when you’re wrong.

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A baby is sleeping on its mothers shoulder

You Just Never Know When You'll Say the Words She Needs to Hear

by ParentCo.

It's not always the words of advice that resonate. Sometimes it's sharing your own fears and admitting you don't have the answers either.

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Cartoon of super human family with super animals

7 Signs You Might Be a Mom-Ninja

by ParentCo.

There's no secret class. Just on-the-job training that turns new moms into mom-ninjas, one diaper change and managed tantrum at a time.

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young girl holding a service man's hand

LtCol Todd Mahar on Service, Family, and Being There for Each Other

by ParentCo.

A fascinating conversation about family life in the Marines with LtCol. Todd Mahar, Commanding Officer of the 3rd Battalion, 6th Marines at Camp Lejeune.

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images of various parent types all in cartoon format

A Very Brief Guide to the Hottest New Parenting Styles

by ParentCo.

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A father hugging a child from back

For My Son: What It Means to Be a Kind Man

by Stephen Bradshaw

Being kind means – above all else – treating others the way you’d want to be treated. And teaching my son to be just that is the most important job I have.

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