focaccia fantan rolls

Kid Made Recipe: Focaccia Fantan Rolls

by ParentCo.

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women legs illustration

How We Failed to Prepare Our Kids For This Election

by ParentCo.

It's not about who is right and who is wrong. It's about being willing to listen to the other side, draw conclusions, and respectfully disagree.

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family having fun in the kitchen

Everything You Need to Host the Chillest Thanksgiving Ever

by ParentCo.

If you're hosting the big day this year and want to find your Thanksgiving zen, set the tone beforehand.

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children standing  with boards father sticked on the wall behind them

Stop Asking Your Kids Questions If You Don’t Want the Answers

by Jennifer Fliss

It's a common parenting tic- asking questions when we really mean to be giving information. Here's how to nip it in the bud.

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little girl  with legs stretched out on a bed using mobile phone

Saying “Yes” to Screen Time With Purpose

by ParentCo.

Three simple ways we’re using the screen to focus on traditionally paper-based goals of reading, communicating, and drawing.

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cute little girl lying on white couch

4 Kid Favorites That Stalk Me In My Own Home

by ParentCo.

You can clean up all you want- it's not going to rid the nooks and crannies of your home, yard, and car of these marks of kid-dom.

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open mouth drawing

Your Friendly Neighborhood Online Parenting Forum

by ParentCo.

Want a whole host of opinions about child-rearing, politics, and lifestyle choice from other parents? Hop onto your neighborhood online parenting forum.

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The Importance of Speaking "Happy" out Loud

by ParentCo.

Among all the books and articles we read, we often overlook (as I have) the importance of recognizing and speaking aloud when we are simply happy.

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boy and girl eyes closeup

Marriage is Hard Work, But Here's 12 Reasons Why It's Worth It

by Stephen Bradshaw

If you’re struggling in your relationship right now, here are 12 reminders of what makes marriage pretty awesome (and worth the hard work).

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women sleeping while holding her mobile phone

10 Ways Your High School Senior Will Avoid Writing the College Essay (and How You Can Help)

by ParentCo.

Writing a college essay can be an overwhelming task. If your senior is dragging their heels, these tips can help them get motivated.

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sunset covered with white leaves painting

Just in Case There's Any Doubt, I'm Proud of You

by ParentCo.

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father with his new born baby yawning

Fatherhood: What’s Love Got to Do With It?

by Matthew Koehler

That instant, over the moon, head over heels in love thing people say they have for their newborn? Fatherhood doesn't feel that way for everyone.

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A child sitting in a table along with candles

4 Global Thanksgiving Traditions and How to Bring Them To Your Table

by ParentCo.

All of these traditions share a common goal: to make ourselves aware of our blessings and to give thanks for each one.

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Newborn baby in incubator

For Babies Born Prematurely, Family Leave Benefits Are Crucial

by ParentCo.

Having a baby in the NICU is stressful. Having two babies in the NICU is doubly stressful. Knowing you have a paycheck still coming in is one saving grace.

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two woman's standing opposite of each other against night forest,illustration painting

From One Mother to Another

by ParentCo.

I became a mother through adoption. Everyday, I am grateful for the selflessness of two women I'll never really know.

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little girl playing with building blocks

Ages and Stages: Your Precocious Preschooler

by Angela Pruess

The preschool years are some tricky business. Let’s scratch the surface of four main areas of development, and learn how to be supportive throughout.

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father holding cute little baby hands

You’ll Push Me Away – So For Now, I Hold On

by ParentCo.

The inevitability of letting our children go is part of the package. But until then, we hold tight in anticipation.

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youtube star kids president smiling

How Kid President Spotlighted Obama’s Game-Changing Legacy and Why We Must Remember It

by Jill Kiedaisch

Kid President's visit to the White House and the conversation he had with Obama is the perfect example of the sort of message a President should send.

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image of child car seat

Should You Bring Your Child’s Car Seat on the Plane?

by ParentCo.

The FAA does not require kids under 2 to have their own seat, or for kids of any age to fly in a car seat. So should you bother lugging it with you?

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alphabet toys

How to Have Tough Conversations With Your Childcare Provider

by Julia Pelly

Your child care provider is one of the most important people in your family's life. Bringing up concerns isn't always easy.

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elderly women having fun in pool

The Importance of Embracing Your Own Definition of Happiness

by ParentCo.

There's no rule that says what makes someone else happy has to do the same for you.

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athletic young girls

How to Teach Your Daughter to Love Herself

by ParentCo.

The good news is that parents are not helpless when it comes to raising girls that love themselves and have confidence in their bodies, minds and hearts

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two kids playing soap bubble

5 Ways To Bring Positivity Into Your Family’s Life During Post-Election Stress and Instability

by ParentCo.

How do you focus your energy and stay positive when feeling mired in post election stress and disappointment? These activities can help bring some optimism.

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math in real life

How to Help Kids Practice Using Math in Real Life

by ParentCo.

Adding math concepts to daily conversations helps kids see that learning extends beyond the classroom, and is used in many ways all the time. Here's how.

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