Height Charts Now Utterly Dominated by European Countries

by ParentCo.

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6 Non-Verbal Ways to Communicate Clearly With Your Child

by ParentCo.

Ever feel like you're going to lose your mind if you have to repeat yourself one more time? Communicating without words can preserve some sanity.

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Feelings Can't Be Taught: A Lesson From My 9-Year-Old

by ParentCo.

Occasionally our kids drop a lesson on us that we never would have learned otherwise.

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The Mommy Wars: 10 Ways to Be the Solution Instead of the Problem

by ParentCo.

There's no shortage of judgement between moms. And the truth is, it only serves to divide. Let it stop with you.

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5 Heartbreaking Reasons to Rethink Your Divorce

by Stacy Philpot

If you're dancing on the edge of divorce, there may be a few things worth considering before calling it quits.

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10 Reasons I'd Give My Kid A Sticker for "Childing" Real Good

by ParentCo.

Come on, kids! Buck up and do these things just once and you'll earn yourself a fresh shiny sticker.

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A Study On How Toddlers Interact with Video Chat

by ParentCo.

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Inadequate Sleep in Childhood Can Impact Emotional Disorders Later

by ParentCo.

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A Shared Goal Of Honey Birds and Humans Do Communicate

by ParentCo.

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Help Teens Manage Stress Prior to School

by ParentCo.

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The Experience is More Valuable Than Money

by ParentCo.

We have to teach our kids that when you spend money, you're not always buying “things," sometimes you're buying an experience.

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Gwyneth Paltrow Poops

by ParentCo.

Just because she peddles $75 mushroom knives and makes up new words for divorce, it doesn't mean Gwyneth isn't just like the rest of us.

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22 Times It Hits You That You Really Are A “Mom”

by ParentCo.

Not that you ever really forget, but some moments make it abundantly clear that you're a mom.

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Study Shows Tiger Moms are the Same Everywhere

by ParentCo.

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Parents. Be Independent Later In Life By Exercising Today!

by ParentCo.

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Kid Made Recipe: Delicious Green Smoothie Popsicles!

by ParentCo.

How do you get your kids to eat their veggies? Make this simple, kid-friendly recipe for surprisingly delicious kale (shhh!) and pineapple popsicles!

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Teaching My Son Entitlement in the Aftermath of the Orlando Shooting and the Stanford Rape Trial

by ParentCo.

There are a few things boys are entitled to. The right to feel fear, pain, openly. To love who they want to love. And to wear whatever color rain boots they desire.

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What Are the Keys to a Successful Nanny Share?

by Emmi S. Herman

If having a nanny seems too indulgent or is out of reach financially, nanny sharing may be the alternative that's right for your family.

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Why Cannabis Could Be A Better Compliment to Your Workouts

by ParentCo.

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The Unique Needs of Sons vs Daughters - Shameless Mom Academy

by ParentCo.

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A New Map Detailing How the Human Brain is Laid Out

by ParentCo.

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A Battle Waged Against Plastic Toys is a Battle Lost

by ParentCo.

Black trash bag in hand, like the Anti-Santa Claus, I attempt to do what I've only fantasized about. Getting rid of the plastic once and for all.

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Are Puppies the Original Creators of Chaos?

by ParentCo.

In the event having a baby wasn't enough stress and chaos, it may be high time you adopt a puppy.

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When Cooking With Family Is About Making Something out of Nothing

by ParentCo.

My grandfather was not an easy going guy, but in the kitchen with his oldest granddaughter, he had patience.

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