Link:Obama to Schools: Obsess Less About Testing

by ParentCo.

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The Onion's Guide to Trick-r-Treating

by ParentCo.

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Link: Teach Children to Give By Telling Them How Much Your Family Has Been Given

by ParentCo.

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Best links of the week

by ParentCo.

Things you might have missed from all around the web.

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23 Non-Conventional Ways Parents Say "I Love You"

by ParentCo.

Let's hope our kids remember all the ways we've said "I love you" when the butt wiping tables have turned.

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Why Every Child Should Have a Forest of Their Own

by ParentCo.

More than books or lectures, a forest gives flight to imagination while teaching kids about the dynamics of our natural world.

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8 Life Skills to Teach Your Kids to Avoid Digital Dependence

by ParentCo.

Make sure your kids have these old-school skills to keep them from becoming totally reliant on technology.

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Procrastination Parenting

by ParentCo.

Looking back at the long list of worries that kept us up at night (and then resolved themselves) when our first son was born.

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Best links of the week

by ParentCo.

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White Woman Writes Yoga Essay

by ParentCo.

"By the time class started, I was already miserable. I wanted a popsicle. I wanted a margarita. Mostly, I wanted the class to be over."

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10 Halloween Costumes that Your Kids Won’t Understand

by ParentCo.

Halloween is awesome for parents because it’s pretty much a free pass to embarrass our kids.

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5 Halloween Crafts You Can Do With Your Kids This Weekend

by ParentCo.

Adults and children love Halloween. Here are five fun, easy and most importantly safe decorating ideas you can create together at home.

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9 Ways Busy Parents Can Reignite A Creative Practice

by ParentCo.

Proven steps that help busy parents pursue their creative calling without sacrificing sanity or family.

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How Star Wars Became The New Family Tradition

by ParentCo.

The torch passes to another generation.

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A Vision of Motherhood That Includes Traveling the World

by ParentCo.

A challenging coast-to-coast trip with a new baby ends with renewed confidence to explore the world as family.

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From Freelance Mom to Prize Winning Author

by ParentCo.

Angela Palm won the coveted Graywolf Press Nonfiction Prize after she reimagined her life. Here's how she did it.

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Quiet Hands, Wandering Thoughts on the Transition to Womanhood

by ParentCo.

A mother answers her daughter's questions and fears about her first period in this beautiful and moving essay.

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"Mama, she's in your heart now. It's ok."

by ParentCo.

On Tuesday, I had to break the news to my four year old daughter that her very special "fairy godmother" passed away. Kathleen was beloved by many,

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Best links of the week

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The Car Radio is Ruining My (Sex) Drive

by ParentCo.

Beyoncé was right: I’m not ready for that jelly, and neither is my pre-tween son.

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How I Made Better Rules For Posting Photos of My Kid Online

by ParentCo.

Becoming protector of our children is part of every journey into parenthood. This job is more difficult because of social media.

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12 ‘Onion’ Articles That Perfectly Sum Up Parenting

by ParentCo.

If you ever suspected you're alone in the utter absurdity of raising children, 'The Onion' is always here to prove you wrong.

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Business, Motherhood, and the Tyranny of Chicken Tenders

by ParentCo.

Award-winning Chef Liza Hinman is a mom who’s kicking ass in a tough industry. We chat about how she does it - and her surprising thoughts on kid food.

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scared kids watching movies

25 Halloween Movies Every Kid Should See, Sorted By Age

by ParentCo.

Suggestions for classic Halloween movies you can watch with your whole family, from goofy to spooky to sweet.

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