A gilr is standing outside watching sun with hand covered to face

The Alternating Happiness and Grief of Life 2.0

by ParentCo.

I’m becoming more comfortable with the “both and-ness” of this life. I am both homesick for the life I once had and filled with joy at the life I am living.

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Couples sleeping in a bed room by showing thumbs up symbol

13 Key Elements That Keep Your Sex Life Hopping

by ParentCo.

Great sex is not rocket science. In fact, many happy couples have these 13 things in common.

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A baby and a bird

What Can My Baby Hear? A Breakdown From Conception to Toddlerhood

by ParentCo.

Hearing is one sense that connects babies to us while they are still womb-side. So how exactly does their hearing develop?

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business woman rubbing eyes

8 Ways to Clap Back at Unwanted Parenting Advice

by ParentCo.

Sometimes, parenting can be a minefield for judging. For those of us going for more than “fine” for our kids, here are eight ways to deflect unwanted advice.

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New born test tube baby slepping in a laboratory

Parents in the NICU: What New Research Says About Your Long Term Happiness

by ParentCo.

Although your life may not look quite as you imagined, research suggests that the medical challenges ahead won't change your future happiness.

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A kid shouting from a circular window

Research Shows Recess Might Be More Important Than We Think

by ParentCo.

Recent research suggests that for toddlers and preschoolers, recess might be key to childhood development.

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A baby watching out of a door

The Other Side

by ParentCo.

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A baby playing with blocks

Why Early Learning Environments Boost More Than Just Academic Performance

by Sanya Pelini

Early learning environments can help kids develop early cognitive and language skills that may lead to later academic success.

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A kid drawing lines over the wall using a marker

No, Your Kids Aren't Sociopaths, It's Just Hanlon's Razor

by ParentCo.

We can’t assume the world’s out to get us, even when it feels like it is, and in parenting, it often does.

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blured image of a lady

How to Recognize if Your Teen Needs Mental Health Care

by ParentCo.

How is a parent to know the difference between normal developmental friction and mental illness? Here are some key things to look for.

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A kid singing a song holding  a microphone

Karaoke Therapy is the Family Bonding You've Been Missing

by ParentCo.

Besides improving our mood, singing karaoke offers many physical, emotional, social, and educational benefits.

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dirty hand coing out of a swirl

The Hallelujah Moments

by ParentCo.

It was the first time he’d ever had dirt on his nose. I know this is not a big deal, or shouldn’t be. But my kid is not most kids.

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A waterproof baby carying wheel

The Day My Kids and I Ran Away From a Man With a Gun

by ParentCo.

We were only two blocks from our home, about to pass my son’s school when a woman ran around the corner screaming, “He has a gun! He has a gun! Run!”

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A baby getting  injection

The Low Down on This Season's Flu Shot

by ParentCo.

Each year the vaccination is reviewed and updated to include the most common circulating strains. So what's the deal with this year?

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A kid about to kick a football

How to Set the Bar High Without Teaching That Performance Determines Identity

by ParentCo.

How do we, as parents, set the bar high for our children, all the while making it clear that what they can accomplish does not determine who they are?

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A girl hugging a boy

How to Transform Conflict Into a Learning Lesson for Your Kid

by Sanya Pelini

Relationships entirely free from conflict and disagreement do not exist. So how do you fight the good fight?

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A baby sleeping

Stop Trying to Find the “Perfect” Consequence

by ParentCo.

The use of consequences can include some hidden “baggage” for many parents.

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Cartoon of a person saw ghost

If Moving Feels Like the End of the World, Help Your Kid Adjust With These Books

by ParentCo.

Moving to a new home can be a difficult experience for a child, especially if it means uprooting them from a familiar town or school.

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Coffee mug marked on and off

Playgroup Isn't for Kids – It's a Parent's Lifeline

by ParentCo.

Whether it's talking about pregnancy, feeding , sleeping, or tantruming, playgroup mums really do form your squad.

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Group of musical notes

Celebrate World Space Week With Space-Themed Music

by ParentCo.

World Space Week 2017 is an ideal time to introduce your family to space-themed orchestral music and the magic of astronomy. 

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Deranged Quotes Declared by My Toddler in One Single Outing

by ParentCo.

Being the shepherd of a threenager allows me to act as curator of her finest moments, and provides a slice of levity in an otherwise dark world.

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A child playing with blocks

I Don't Play With My Kids, Here's Why

by ParentCo.

For adults, sitting down to role-play driving a car or making dinner is like sitting down to learn the alphabet – boring as all get out.

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Couples watching TV on a sofa

Date Nights in the Parenthood Era

by ParentCo.

I want to feel like my husband and I have left our date nights like we used to before we were parents.

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From the window, a mother is sitting with her child

Explaining the News to Our Kids

by ParentCo.

No matter how old your kids are, threatening or upsetting news can affect them emotionally.

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