A boy is playing Hopscotch

Kindergarten Is Going to Change Your Child Completely – and That's Okay

by ParentCo.

Now, for eight hours a day, your kindergartner will be surrounded by influences that aren’t his parents.

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A boy is clsoing his eyes with wollen cap

Son: You Can Disobey Me but Don’t You Dare Lie to Me

by ParentCo.

There will be times when you’re going to disobey me. But there is one thing that I hope and pray that you never ever do and that is to lie to me.

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A boy is hodling sea shell and watching them

The Renaissance of Pagan Parenting

by ParentCo.

Soulful, decentralized, non-hierarchical, intersectional, and green – paganism's infinite incarnations appeal to the earnest and the edgy alike.

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A boy is sharing feeling with his mothr by deep hugging

Find the Source of Anger and Break the Cycle

by ParentCo.

Anger is usually used as a cover up for fear, so the question is – what are you afraid of?

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Toddler Is crying while playing

How Baby Signing Can Save Your Sanity and Strengthen Your Bond

by ParentCo.

It's a welcome exchange for screeching like a banshee.

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My Husband Lied to Me on Our Wedding Day (and I Love Him For It)

by ParentCo.

It occurred to me that I was standing there in a poofy dress in front of everyone we loved about to marry a man I didn't trust enough to feed my cat.

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A Person seeing his image expression in mirror in an emotional way

The Emotional and Psychological Impact of Manopause

by ParentCo.

it is high time men of a certain age come to terms with their new status as “elder statesmen” and drop the game.

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Could the Key to Better Play Be Providing Fewer Toys?

by ParentCo.

A recent study looked at what helped improve the quality of children’s play, less or more toys?

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Is That Your Child or a Wild Animal?

by Nicole Merritt

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A boy is writing something on a notebook

Sight Words Are So 2016: New Study Finds the Real Key to Early Literacy

by ParentCo.

The best indicator of future success as a reader is actually a child’s ability to use invented spelling as they write.

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Breakfast time with Pasta

What Mac and Cheese Can Teach Our Kids About Scientific Reasoning

by ParentCo.

As parents, we should be combating both chemophobia and poor logical reasoning. We should also teach healthy skepticism grounded in scientific methods.

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Kid enjoying gaming moment with hands of Parents

Why Am I Apologizing For My Outgoing Toddler?

by ParentCo.

My kid scares people. Actually, she tends to terrify them. It happens almost everywhere we go and generally in the same sequence of events.

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A boy seeing angrily with all toys dismantle

A Totally Employable Strategy for Keeping Your Kid's Room Tidy

by Pam Moore

Telling them they might suffocate under that pile of dress up clothes isn't as effective as you'd expect.

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A girl is smiling inside water and a boy is stearing her

Date A Jerk – And Other Tips on Love for My Daughter

by ParentCo.

You will fall in love, more than once, in the years to come.

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A Teacher Teaching guitar to student

11 Ideals Great Teachers Employ That Also Work for Parents

by Sanya Pelini

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Sneeking from barrack

The Birds, the Bees, and…Tiger Butts?

by ParentCo.

When she sleeps she looks exactly like she did when she was a tiny tot in her crib. How can she possibly be standing on the edge of puberty?

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A mother teaching cooking to kids

Shift Your Semantics, Shift Your Mindset

by ParentCo.

We all have our sayings that bring us comfort and truth. Let these aphorisms be part of the light by which your children steer their lives.

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Husband is playing with kids toy bicycle while wife is looking strange at him

Can Your Myers-Briggs Type Affect How You Parent?

by ParentCo.

Know your strengths. And your weaknesses.

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A professor is explaining about insect worms theory to a student

Your Best Defense Against Ticks: Advice From a Top Pediatrician

by ParentCo.

How do you prevent ticks? What do you do when you find one? When should you call the doctor or treat for Lyme? Top pediatrician Dr. Elizabeth McKeen knows.

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Girl selecting shoes

The Best Shoes for Pregnant Feet

by ParentCo.

No, not crocs.

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Two Kids brushing their teeth

The Science Behind the Case for Routines

by ParentCo.

Developmental research reveals that families who develop and maintain flexible routines experience less stress and more manageable behavior.

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Family on a sofa  mother staring to father

How to Survive Parenting With Your Polar Opposite

by ParentCo.

When I married my husband, I cherished our differences for what they signaled – compromise. Then we had kids.

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A person listening to music using earphone connected to mobile

Manopause: Yep, It's a Thing. Sorry, Dude.

by ParentCo.

If you’re male and between the ages of 40 and 55, you are going through changes. You are in a phase of life called manopause. Yes, this is a thing.

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Testing in Laboratory

New Study Finds Hope for Autism Treatment in Stem Cell Therapy

by ParentCo.

This study is just the start of uncovering a possible cure for autism, and more research needs to be done.

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