mom holding hands on her face

Embracing the Beautiful Pain of Parenthood

by ParentCo.

I began to understand that the more I relinquished the self-appointed duty to protect my son from all trouble, the more freedom I felt.

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The Day I Told My Daughter Cinderella Was Stupid

by ParentCo.

What kind of mother tells her precious, princess-loving daughter that princesses are dumb? Well, one who's finally had it with Cinderella's ineptitude.

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child paintings

5 Ways to Foster Creativity in Yourself (And Also Benefit Your Kids)

by ParentCo.

Finding or maintaining a creative practice after becoming a parent can be difficult. But there are plenty of opportunities out there.

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kids at public pool

Rules for Surviving the Public Pool

by ParentCo.

If certain rules of basic conduct and human decency were observed by all my fellow swimmers, our sanity would no longer circle the pool drain.

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How to Preserve Your Brain Power When Parenting Mentally Exhausts You

by Candy Mickels Mejia

Parenting can exhaust you to the point of brain numbness. But there are ways to be productive and give your brain a break.

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mom with son at work

Six Ways to Keep Your Kid Busy at the Office When Your Childcare Falls Through

by ParentCo.

If you find yourself working with a kid in tow. These tips ensure you’re able to get your work done while your kid has a great day at the office.

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Having Empathy for Those With Tree Nut Allergies

by ParentCo.

The struggle is very real for parents and children when it comes to food allergies.

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A Grandma's Review of the Parenting On Display at Open Gym

by ParentCo.

I understand my place in history. But I’m frequently distracted by how much control kids wield just by being kids.

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5 Things Science Says Will Up Your Family's Happiness Factor

by ParentCo.

Being a part of a family, whatever that looks like, is one of life’s ultimate sources of happiness. Looking for even more? Science says these things help.

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little girl safely viewing solar eclipse

5 Tips for Nerding Out On This Year's Solar Eclipse

by ParentCo.

On August 21, 2017 families have the unique opportunity to experience a rare solar phenomena: a total solar eclipse. Here's how to do it right.

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woman holding coffee mug

Pursue Your Professional Dreams, Not Someone Else’s

by ParentCo.

How can selling leggings from home make you as much money in one month as many doctors earn in one year? We've got the numbers on MLMs and well, you can't.

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Beware of STEM-Washing: How Parents Can Shop Confidently for Educational Toys

by ParentCo.

Now that the term is everywhere, can parents sufficiently evaluate the true STEM value of a toy based solely on the legitimacy of a label? Not exactly.

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family enjoying while watching tv

Infuse More Fun Into the Sidelines of Spectator Sports

by ParentCo.

Even if your kids aren’t fans of your favorite sport, you can make spectator sports fun for the whole family.

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boy sitting on a bed reading story book surrounded with toys

Simple Ways to Teach English to Young Learners

by ParentCo.

Other adoptive parents had warned us the language barrier was an issue when adopting older children from a foreign country. These strategies helped.

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man cutting grass in his garden

Why You Should Spend Money on More Free Time, Not Stuff

by ParentCo.

A new study found that using money to buy more free time can make us happier.

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girl preparing coffee using coffee machine

I Don't Care If the Future Is Computers, My Kids Are Going to Work

by ParentCo.

For as long as work exists, my kids are going to get jobs. Because the world will always need people who know the value of self-sacrifice and manual labor.

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two moms

A Tale of Two Moms: When Best Friends Have Polar Opposite Parenting Styles

by ParentCo.

In a culture that likes to pit moms against each other simply because of differing choices, our story proves that it doesn’t have to be that way.

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pregnant women touching her belly with her husband

The World's Tiniest High-Five May Be Just the Thing I Needed

by ParentCo.

I spent the evening wondering if my son would be okay, whether I’d ever get to hold him, and whether he’d have multiple surgeries and a life of problems.

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Family sitting at a farm and looking at animals

View From Parenthood : Life and Family on the Farm

by ParentCo.

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An Autism Diagnosis Made Me Rethink Saying "I Just Want a Healthy Baby"

by ParentCo.

"I just want a healthy child." The phrase I once thoughtlessly uttered came back to settle in the depths of my mind.

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girl kissing boy on forehead

4 Ways Parents Can Balance Couple Time and Family Time

by ParentCo.

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boy listening to music and writing

8 Fundamental Ways to Encourage Aspiring Authors

by ParentCo.

Whether your child writes as a hobby or wants to become a professional, your support can help them become better writers.

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adventure kids who love to travel

8 Books for Adventurous Kids Who Love to Travel

by ParentCo.

Kids of all ages can expand their horizons, wanderers or not, with a remarkable story. Here are eight books for kids who love to travel.

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young woman sitting alone in train

What My Daughter Taught Me About Addiction

by ParentCo.

No parent ever wants to think that drug use might explain their child’s upsetting behavior. If only I had known how to spot it and what would help her most.

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