The Five Stages of Grief When Your Child Calls the Babysitter Mom

by ParentCo.

The gratitude for a fabulous caregiver runs deep. Until your kid calls them mom.

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Should I Pay Someone to Do That? The Best and Worst Chores to Hire Out

by ParentCo.

What if we viewed paying for household services not as spending but as contract negotiation? Here's how to determine when to call on the experts.

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When Life in Bali Is Less Paradise, More Life as Usual

by ParentCo.

Much to my surprise, the person I had been in California followed me to Bali.

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Keep Your Dot: How to Make Your Stay-at-Home Partner Feel Supported

by Rebecca Lang

It isn't about competing for who has the harder job. It's about acknowledging that everyone needs their turn in the center.

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9 Things My 9-Year-Old Wants You to Know About Kids

by ParentCo.

Every so often, my son steps out of his first-person-singular mindset and speaks for the kids. These nuggets felt like advice to be heeded.

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Watching My Parenting Come Full Circle

by ParentCo.

Eventually, with luck, It’s all there. Everything we’ve worked so hard for to form the unbreakable parent/child bond.

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Bullying Is On The Decline: New Study Shows How Parents Can Keep It That Way

by ParentCo.

Although it now receives more attention than it did previously, bullying, overall, is actually on the decline in the United States.

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annoyed little girl

Financial Tough Love Taught My Daughter Responsibility

by ParentCo.

Being able to support herself was the key to her future – a future I saw as bright and full of promise. So I cut her off financially.

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When I Forced my Eleven-Year-Old Son to Watch “Fiddler on the Roof”

by ParentCo.

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curious boy in red hoodie looking at his toy gun

The Toy Gun Debate Can Be Incredibly Confusing For Parents of Boys

by ParentCo.

If boys biologically have an attraction to aggressive play, should we still just sit back and let them have a field day with toy guns?

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Young woman covering her eyes with her hands

The Dangerous Game of Giving Too Much

by ParentCo.

The love my mother gave was her highest achievement as well as her downfall. It knew no limits, never said no, and it never flowed back to herself.

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Confused woman with spoon in kitchen.

Five Forbidden Wishes of Adulthood

by ParentCo.

These five wishes are especially torturous to a mother because of the duality of truths they represent, inciting guilt and relief in equal measures.

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new born baby in the hospital incubator

How NICU Stays and Unexpected Challenges Affect Maternity Leave

by ParentCo.

Most mothers plan meticulously for their baby’s arrival but for an unlucky few, a premature delivery can derail every expectation.

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group of school kids wearing backpacks and running forward

Your Kid's Lunch and Recess Schedule Matters More Than You Think

by ParentCo.

The timing and length of your children’s lunch and recess during school can affect their food and exercise habits, according to a new study.

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Girl walking with flowers outdoors, side view

My Kids Might be Nudists, But I Save a Fortune on Clothes

by ParentCo.

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shopping trolley

Eye-Witness Reports From My Kid's Check-Out Line Meltdown

by ParentCo.

I went into that grocery store at a mere 28 years young. Sadly, I drove away at an alarming 84 years old.

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little girl with brown hair smiling

How to Teach Young Girls to Embrace Their Curls and Differences, From the Author Of "Curlee Girlee"

by ParentCo.

Girls as young as five are six times more likely to have an aversion to their hair if it’s curly. How can they embrace their differences and learn to appreciate their curls?

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Happy father and son reading in the garden

Beyond Just Buying Books, Create a Culture of Reading in Your Home

by Sanya Pelini

Reading is important for vocabulary, language and social skills development. And there is plenty of research to back that up.

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How Water Works to Relax Kids and Turn Their Moods Around

by ParentCo.

The wise advice of putting your kids in water to change a mood or calm a child down is a science-backed trick that works.

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child is hugging mother

How the Death of My Father Made Me Stop the Whirlwind

by ParentCo.

The whirlwind is deceptive. It makes you think that it's fine to move fast and that nothing will ever change.

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rear view of baby child holding mother hand walking on hallway

When Motherhood Means Sitting in the Dark With My Child

by ParentCo.

And that’s parenting really – you do all you can do, but sometimes you still find yourself sitting in the dark.

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How to Delegate Chores and Actually Get Your Kids to Do Them

by Sanya Pelini

Getting kids to help around the house can prove to be a Herculean task. But by giving them age-appropriate tasks, they can easily participate.

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Mommy-and-Me, Destroying the Me in Mommy

by ParentCo.

I am their mom. I am the crucial part of our Mommy-and-Me, but I’m losing the Me.

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Why Wasn’t Hannah Horvath’s Pregnancy on “Girls” Exactly Like My Own?

by ParentCo.

Why wasn’t Hannah Horvath talking about how much she didn’t like being pregnant? In other words, why wasn’t she me right now?

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